
Uremic dialysis self-help approach, the original hidden in his mouth

Uremia and dialysis patients, certainly very hated complications it
Fans also often message that they have arrhythmia, dizziness, headache, blood pressure, difficulty breathing, nausea and vomiting, renal anemia and so on, suffer torture.

But many times, even large hospitals to deal with these symptoms are still stretched:

For example, many patients hede, taking iron, but still anemia.

And for example, done a high-throughput dialysis, or feeling poor appetite, itchy body.

And, for example, efforts to maintain electrolyte balance, and eggs, always covered with fatigue

Another example

Whether it is a doctor or a patient, are worried about these complications, but not much effect. However, there is a simple way to effectively improve the health of patients with renal failure, but no one to do.

Today tell you this method, it is -

One Thank-You Note from A Foreign Diabetic in Chinese Hospital

Oral health

Oral health is an important factor in determining the health outcomes of patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), which is different from other kidneys - he is a potential factor.

Stage 5 CKD: Say Goodbye to Dialysis

We found that patients with nephropathy, more than normal people have more serious oral diseases, but do not often use oral health services.

Oral diseases are associated with inflammation and malnutrition, which may aggravate cardiovascular problems during dialysis treatment.

Almost all over the world, the prevalence of dental caries, tooth loss and other dental bad condition, not only kidney disease, it is also associated with cardiovascular and cancer deaths.

Am J Kidney Dis has published a study:

Between 2010 and 2012, 4205 cases of adult patients with long-term hemodialysis were surveyed in Europe and South America. Standard oral examinations were conducted using the World Health Organization guidelines and personal oral care guidelines to assess oral hygiene in patients, including toothless, tooth decay, missing teeth, number of teeth, brushing, flossing and oral hygiene counseling The

The outcome was the all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality rate at 12 months after oral assessment. The use of multivariate corrected Cox proportional hazards regression model for fitting and sharing to explain the risk of cluster death in the country.

During an average follow-up of 22.1 months, 942 deaths occurred, including 477 cases of cardiovascular death. Toothless, tooth decay, tooth loss or fillings score ≥ 14 points and early all-cause mortality, and the use of dental floss, mouthwash mouthwash, brush your teeth every day for at least 2 minutes, at least every 3 months to replace the toothbrush, The dentist has seen a better survival rate over the past six months, and the results of cardiovascular mortality are similar.

The study tells us an important "secret":

Good oral hygiene can reduce the risk of death in uremia and dialysis patients. Oral hygiene is not affected by other complications and is not associated with the poor.

Therefore, poor tooth loss and tooth disease and other poor oral health status, mortality (especially cardiovascular mortality) is higher;

Patients with end-stage renal disease, who want to effectively prolong life expectancy, require preventive oral hygiene measures (more frequent dental care, Chinese dental treatment, etc.).

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