
Can Kidney Patients Have A Travel With Their Family Members

Life is the movement, kidney disease patients to carry out some activities, contribute to the stability and recovery of the disease.

And May a small holiday in the season, it is also suitable for the sick travel - the weather is generally clear, but the temperature will not be high, but not like the October one may appear autumn tiger.

Only, nephrotic pathology is complex, the situation is not the same. For May 1 whether travel, travel during the note, or to different situations different treatment.

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In general, as long as the nephrotic patients in stable condition, good physical condition, you can do a good job in preparation for the situation to go out to play; but nephrotic disease if the acute stage of activity, failed to stabilize, or patients suffering from serious complications, then Need to rest at home, so as not to go out too tired to aggravate the condition.

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Can travel to the patient, before and after the trip should pay attention to the following requirements:

Communicate fully with your doctor:

The patient should travel in advance before consulting the doctor, get sure, and then discuss the trip, medication and return, so that after the return to the hospital in time to review.

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Prepare related items:

The necessary warm clothing do not forget. The most important thing is in the service of drugs and portable blood pressure monitor, thermometer, etc., diabetes patients need to prepare blood glucose meter.

Reasonable arrangements for travel:

Nephrotic patients bogey tired, so travel before a reasonable planning trip, prior contact with good places and transport facilities, and to ensure that during the tour there are spare time to rest, so that work and rest.

Choose your location according to your situation:

Where the patient is suitable for play is also pay attention to.

Patients with renal hypertension and renal anemia is not suitable for high altitude, low temperature environment; allergic purpura nephritis patients as far as possible away from flowers and plants, so as to avoid pollen allergies; and lupus kidney patients is best not to go to the beach, grassland Such as open space, to avoid the sun to stimulate.

Diet to control:

Many of the attractions are bound to snacks are more, but some flavor snacks are not suitable for patients to eat, such as oil, too hot, salty, hemp food. Patients during the play to diet to be controlled, try to eat light.

Medication on time:

Even if you have fun, medicine can not forget to eat! Patients and their families should be thinking about taking things on time, do not play and break out.

Keep in touch with the doctor:

During the play, family members should pay attention to observe the patient's physical condition, record changes in blood pressure and body temperature. It is best to keep in touch with the doctor in order to timely feedback.

Dialysis patients need attention

If the patient needs regular dialysis, need to contact the hospital along the dialysis in advance, their own physical condition, dialysis time, dialysis methods, etc. to inform each other, so complete preparation to ensure continuity of dialysis.

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