
Is There Any Natural Remedy for IgA Nephropathy To Improve Kidney Function

IgA Nephropathy is a kidney disorder that occurs when IgA (a protein) settles in the kidneys. If the condition can not be controlled well in IgA Nephropathy, it will develop Kidney Failure within several years. Is there any remedy to help improve kidney function?

Compared with steroids and immunosuppressants, Chinese treatments have the following advantages:

The Effective Treatment for IgA Nephropathy

1. IgA nephropathy is due to immune dysfunction, in which immune system attacks healthy kidney tissues mistakenly. Traditional Chinese medicine can correct the immune dysfunction and enhance immunity. Thus, it can prevent the relapse of the disease completely.

Immunotherapy for Foamy Urine In IgA Nephropathy

2. Protect the residual renal function. TCM treatments can protect the residual renal functions and kidney tissues to prevent them from further damage.

Five Tips Help You Live With IgA Nephropathy Healthily

3. Repair the impaired kidney tissues and cells. In IgA Nephropathy, the kidney intrinsic cells and tissues must be damaged thus the proper treatment should take measures to repair them. Chinese medicines can repair the kidney damage through dilating blood vessels, increasing blood circulation, regulating immune system and providing nutrients to kidney.

If you want to know more details about the treatment for IgA Nephropathy, you can leave message in the below form or consult our ONLINE DOCTOR at any time or email us. Take care please!

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