
Low salt diet tips

Do you know why doctors always let kidney patients eat less salt?

Because the salt contains something that can raise blood pressure -
The purpose of eating less salt is to eat less sodium. Salt, one-third of the ingredients are sodium, so salt blood pressure is obvious. Do you remember how much salt do you eat every day? Up to 6 grams, only less can not be more.

How much sodium is there? 6 of 1/3, that is, intake should be limited to:
 2 grams of sodium

This 2g sodium sodium is the body of the upper limit of sodium, that is, we can only discharge up to 2 grams of sodium a day, leaving beyond, do not go out of the sodium, stay in the body, it will increase blood pressure.

Some people say, do not worry, I taste light, eat salt no more than 6 grams a day, not on the line?

This is not only in the diet, it can be described as everywhere: bread, rice and other staple food, as well as vegetables, fruits, meat and other food, there are sodium everywhere. You do not eat a little salt, only the daily diet contains sodium, about a day there are:

 4 grams of sodium

What does it mean? That is, we do not eat a little salt, sodium intake has been exceeded, blood pressure will be difficult to drop.

So, we only do low salt diet is not enough, the daily diet also need to choose some low sodium food.

The sodium content of food is as follows:

Rich: Kun fish sauce, bacon, red sausage, bran cereal products, butter, margarine, Canadian bacon, corned beef, corn porridge, sour cucumber, smoked ham, cod fillet, squid dry, beef sausage, Lunch meat, oatmeal, sterile cheese, potato chips, pretzels, sausages, seaweed, shrimp, smoked herring, soda crackers, soy sauce, tomato sauce and cereal.

General: bread, cookies, canned vegetables, cheese, a variety of convenience food, salad dressing. Beef, sweets, candy, eggs, lamb, milk, pork, poultry, halophilic vegetables (spinach, beet, wakame, celery and carrots), yogurt.

Small: beans, most fresh fruits and vegetables, rye, soy flour, sugar, vegetable oil, wheat bran and wheat flour.

High blood pressure in patients, cooking as much as possible without salt and soy sauce, you can use sugar, white vinegar, spiced, star anise, onions, ginger, garlic and other condiments to increase the palatability of food, or stir-fried vegetables after the surface of a little salt to increase the taste. Avoid eating salted food, canned food and other processed foods, less use of MSG, chicken, bean paste, tomato sauce and other seasonings.

Low-salt diet has a process of adaptation, early may feel tasteless taste, loss of appetite, studies have shown that people will gradually adapt to the taste, so be sure to adhere to.

Many patients rely on the taste to judge the salty salty, in fact, many people get kidney disease, the taste sensitivity will be worse, sometimes in fact the dish has been very salty, but the patient can not eat. In response to this situation, it is recommended to the hospital to do a taste threshold detection, or to be a 24-hour urinary sodium test to see the real salt intake.

24-hour urinary sodium excretion monitoring is the best way to record sodium intake, refractory hypertensive patients should be monitored.

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