
Can Kidney Patients Make Love

There is such an ancient double (normal) movement, the Chinese ancients called Dunlun, Westerners called makelove, most people say go to bed, the couple named for the next generation, scientific name of life.

The patients with nephropathy on the sport is more tangled: the should not participate, can participate, how long to participate once, participated in will not aggravate the condition?

How to correctly participate in the sport is indeed a worthy of study, participated in the fear of illness is also worth the loss, not to participate in may also affect the feelings of husband and wife, a long time may also engage in their own depression, the following for the patients from shallow to deep ( I am talking about the condition of the analysis of one or two.

General nephritis, renal syndrome and after treatment of stable disease patients, this time the patients and healthy people in some ways is actually about the sex life is completely no problem.

I have been talking about a problem, this is an old "movement". Is the movement will be tired, and kidney patients can not be affected, the energy will be almost, so one or two times a week is appropriate.

Into the kidney failure patients in the sexual function will indeed be abnormal: male patients mainly for loss of libido, erectile weakness, severe cases of impotence and breast development, sperm reduction or sperm deficiency, sperm quality decline. Female patients mainly for menstrual disorders, menorrhagia or amenorrhea, lack of orgasm, pregnancy difficulties.

This stage of the kidney disease patients should take the initiative to reduce sex life, but if there is no heart failure, anemia and other complications, it will not be completely prohibited, and occasionally for the recovery of confidence is also very good. Once a month can be a.

For uremic patients, although not completely prohibited, but really is not a special recommendation. At this time the quality of male sperm decreased, while women have generally closed amenorrhea, but it is not easy to say that the last time a female patient on the accidentally come up with a "life", which I am very recommended, uremic female children The danger factor is too high.

For the disease is still unstable, is a large number of patients taking medicine, I do not recommend the second you may also be more than enough. Medication during treatment will generally affect the quality of sexual life, especially taking prednisone and some antihypertensive drugs.

Finally remind, please pay attention to health, if not caused by a dirty urinary tract infection, cystitis, cold cold, diarrhea or something, is likely to cause relapse. In this regard, women should pay special attention to the recommendations after the toilet urine urine.

Really is the last, even if you are talented, one time do not have too long, tired really can lead to kidney disease recurrence.

Well, today we will analyze this, I wish you a friend of the blessing. This article is the original kidney disease, reproduced please mark the source.

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