
Diabetes history can also avoid diabetes

1.Eat two tablespoons of vinegar before eating meat

Eat big fish and other high-calorie food before drinking two tablespoons of vinegar, can greatly reduce blood sugar levels. If you are not accustomed to vinegar, the best meal before the meal to eat vinegar salad dishes.

2 Reduce body weight by 5%

Even if you are very fat, and do not exercise, but as long as the weight loss of 5%, the risk of diabetes will be reduced by 70%.

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3 walk 35 minutes a day

Walking to allow the body to get the maximum effect of insulin use. Walk 4 hours a week, 35 minutes a day, can reduce the risk of diabetes by 80%.

Drink coffee

Harvard University School of Public Health study found that 6 cups of coffee a day, the risk of diabetes reduced by 29% -54%; 4-5 cups per day, down about 29%; but 1-3 cups a day almost no effect.

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5 eat more high-fiber foods

Eat more celery, leeks and other high-fiber foods or food with high fiber markers can reduce the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke.

6 weeks to eat fast food no more than 2 times

Eat more than 2 times a week fast food, body organs to reduce the sensitivity of insulin doubled.

7 ham sausage to eat less

More than 5 times a week to eat ham or sausage, diabetes risk will increase by 43%, the culprit is the processing of meat additives. Experts advise, should occasionally eat meat, eat more vegetables.

8 cinnamon helps to lower blood sugar

German scientists have found that cinnamon helps to lower blood lipids and prevent the risk of diabetes. Cinnamon powder can be sprinkled in the coffee, you can also drink with honey and water.

9 take care 3 times before taking a deep breath

Long-term stress can lead to elevated blood sugar. Experts advise, do anything before the best do first 3 times to slow the deep breath to reduce the pressure.

10 sleep between 6-8 hours

Sleep is often less than 6 hours of people, diabetes risk doubled; and sleep more than 8 hours of people, diabetes risk increased by 3 times.

11 Do not live alone

The risk of diabetes is 2.5 times higher than that of others. Experts suggest that even living alone should maintain a healthy lifestyle.

12. 45 years old after more attention to blood sugar

Blood glucose index of 100-125 mg / dl of people, 10 years, the most prone to diabetes. Experts suggest that after the age of 45, obese people, a family history of diabetes and high cholesterol and high blood pressure, should be more concerned about.

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