
How To Treat High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease

We have not noticed that the vast majority of patients with high blood pressure are accompanied by varying degrees of kidney damage, then why so many people do not know? Because the relationship between hypertension and nephropathy is high, so that attention is not paid.

However, chronic kidney disease can also cause high blood pressure, which is "renal hypertension." This secondary hypertension is generally more in young adults, clinical observation found that the more severe renal dysfunction, blood pressure will be higher, to the late renal failure, more than 80% of patients with significant hypertension.

If you have high blood pressure (systolic blood pressure above 140mmHg, diastolic blood pressure above 90mmHg), and the control is not good, so that high blood pressure has been in a state of continuous, blood vessels continue to be under strong pressure, blood vessels will be hurt, evolved into arteriosclerosis. Blood is not smooth, the blood into the kidney will be reduced, leading to kidney disease, the development will eventually lead to glomerular sclerosis, renal interstitial fibrosis, until the development of renal insufficiency, eventually leading to uremia.

However, chronic kidney disease can also cause high blood pressure, which is "renal hypertension." This secondary hypertension is generally more in young adults, clinical observation found that the more severe renal dysfunction, blood pressure will be higher, to the late renal failure, more than 80% of patients with significant hypertension.

Kidney disease + high blood pressure should pay attention to what?

In daily life, hypertensive patients to carefully observe their own physical changes. Although hypertensive nephropathy generally no obvious symptoms in the early and middle term, but some patients will appear nocturia increased urine clear phenomenon, indicating that the renal tubular enrichment function has declined; In addition, the morning to get up if the eyelid, lower extremity edema Symptoms may indicate that the kidneys have been damaged.

Kidney disease should be how to deal with high blood pressure?

That is, antihypertensive and kidney care should be taken into account, whether patients with hypertensive nephropathy or renal hypertensive patients, in the course of treatment must be regularly assessed the degree of damage to renal function and consider blood pressure control, so the same time the largest blood pressure Limit the protection of renal function.

Whether it is to prevent high blood pressure damage to the kidneys, or kidney disease caused by high blood pressure, the most important thing is to maintain a stable blood pressure, as much as possible to control blood pressure below 130/80 mm Hg in order to effectively protect the kidneys, which is early Early benefit, long-term antihypertensive long-term benefits, blood pressure standards to the risk of hypertension patients to minimize the benefits of the largest.

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