
How To Treat Uremia

In general, once your chronic kidney failure develops to end stage, it is called uremia is. Once the patient enters the period of uremia, if there is no further treatment, the patient will need to face death at any time. So how do you get uremia? How to treat uremia?

How to treat uremia?

Kidney transplant

There are many to the end of the uremic patients, must be long-term dialysis treatment, if the patient's own economic and physical conditions are better, you can choose to transplant the kidneys. Kidney transplantation is the use of surgery, the organ donor kidney transplanted to the patient's body inside. In general, the source of the kidney is the family and the spouse and the person who signed the consent to donate the organ. Through the kidney transplant can give patients a good life, but kidney is a big project, the success rate is not very high.


Dialysis is also known as dialysis, refers to the use of filtration methods, the blood inside some of the material some exclusion. In other words, the use of artificial methods of patients suffering from uremia after the accumulation of toxic waste in the human body, salt and water are excluded, so that the patient's physical condition can be restored to health. For the time being, dialysis methods have peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis. Peritoneal dialysis is the human body's peritoneum as a filter, the body of toxins excluded, and hemodialysis is the use of machines instead of kidney.

Chinese medicine treatments 

the other is our hospital’s unique Chinese medicine treatments. Our Chinese medicine treatments include many therapies like Medicated Bath, Mai Kang Mixture, Medicinal Soup, Moxibustion Therapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Steaming Therapy and Enema Therapy, etc. According to specific illness condition, different therapy will be used. They first cleanse toxins out and set up a clean blood environment for recovering renal function. When blood is cleansed, Chinese medicine treatments can repair injured kidney tissues and improve renal function gradually through dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and providing nutrients.
After about 7 days of treatment, this patient was not afraid of cold and sweated a lot. There were lots of flocs in her urine, which indicated some immune complexes were removed.

Through the above reading, I believe we all know how you get uremia and how to do the treatment. Although uremia is indeed a difficult to be cured and the cost of the patient will be particularly large. However, patients must not give up while they must be actively for treatment, remember the doctor's orders, so as to be able to recover sooner.

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