
What Are Symptoms Of Children With Nephrotic Syndrome

Children with nephrotic syndrome will appear a variety of symptoms, but also easy to confuse with other diseases, how to make an accurate diagnosis of pediatric nephrotic syndrome, the initial symptoms of detailed analysis as follows.

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First, the children with nephrotic syndrome, there will be a variety of symptoms, such as edema, proteinuria, hematuria, high blood pressure and other performance, the body was depression of edema, the general onset of slow, began to show the performance of children with nephrotic syndrome, For the eyelids, face, and later there will be systemic swelling and so on.

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A large number of proteinuria is also the characteristics of the disease, urinary protein qualitative often more than 30, 24-hour urine protein> 0.1g / kg, generally no hematuria, a few can appear a small amount of red blood cells, mostly in children, there is significant hematuria, , Elevated blood pressure, serum complement decreased, azotemia and so on.

What are the advantages of Chinese medicine treatment?

Remind parents to always pay attention to the child's condition changes in order to timely medical treatment, Chinese medicine treatment of urinary protein, urinary occult blood or blood creatinine, urea nitrogen on the misunderstanding for kidney disease patients to remove pathological damage, improve renal function, relieve pain.

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