
What Is Dangerous Creatinine Level for CKD Patients

What is dangerous creatinine level for CKD patients? In clinic, the normal range of creatinine level is 0.5-1.3mg/dl. Our kidney has strongly compensatory ability thus slightly kidney damage will not affect creatinine level. Once kidney damaged is higher than 50%, High Creatinine Level will appear.

What is the dangerous creatinine level?

Serum creatinine level may increase due to different factors like improper diet and medicines, but for kidney disease patients, they should be alert when their creatinine level in blood becomes higher than the normal range, as clinical studies show that serum creatinine does not increase until a half of kidney function is affected and increase of serum creatinine means kidneys have been injured severely. Seeing from this point of view, a timely diagnosis and treatment are of great significant for kidney disease patients to stop or slow down their illness progression.

What is the creatinine level that needs dialysis?

When should take Kidney Dialysis is a common problem to patients with CKD. Some of them even are feared for dialysis.

Serum creatinine level is one of the indicators that help to judge when kidney failure patients need to start dialysis or not. But it is not the only factor that makes the decision. Generally, when patients’ creatinine level increased to 5mg/dl, they would be suggested dialysis. Even though their creatinine is up to 8, not all kidney failure patients want to take dialysis because they have no obvious symptoms like nausea, vomiting, fatigue, Proteinuria, etc. In this case, what patients should do is to take proper therapy to repair kidney damage as soon as possible and do regular checkup.

Dialysis is life-saving for many kidney failure patients, but for patients who still have a certain kidney function, dialysis is not the only choice. Toxin-Removing Treatment (based on TCM) is an effective therapy for them to repair kidney damage and restore renal function. Only kidney function is improved can they avoid dialysis or stop dialysis, at least dialysis frequency can be reduced.

If you want to avoid or get rid of dialysis to enjoy high quality life, you can leave a message in the below form or email to us for treatment suggestion. We will do utmost to help you.

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