
What Should Kidney Patients Pay Attention To

With the death rate of patients with nephropathy in China increased year by year, resulting in people more afraid of all kinds of kidney disease, and even some patients had a relatively minor kidney disease, are holding the psychological can not be cured.

With the accelerated pace of life, people on the salt, carbohydrates, fat intake too much, too little physical activity (or too much and tired), resulting in people suffering from chronic kidney disease more and more.

Follow a strict diet 

Eat too salty, too sweet, too oil, eat too much protein can cause the body to produce peroxide products, leading to immune inflammatory response, causing kidney disease, and kidney disease recurrence.

Seemingly not serious cold, pharyngitis and other diseases can also lead to the progress of kidney disease, severe and even directly to the uremia. Many patients with kidney disease before the onset of a history of cold. At least three percent of nephropathy is caused by one or several colds.

In the cold after the emergence of nephritis, 2 performance is obvious:


That the urine is turbid reddish brown;


Appear in the face, eyelid and lower limbs, if not control, edema will be throughout the body, severe chest and abdominal effusion will appear, breathing difficulties.

In addition there may be nausea, vomiting, fatigue, loss of appetite and other symptoms, therefore, if the cold after the above symptoms, need medical treatment as soon as possible.

Three afraid of patients random medication

Some patients have kidney disease hope after the health care products. If it is rich, in fact, does not matter, eat health care products to eat kidney failure is a minority, generally spend some money wasted it. But the economic conditions are limited to patients to do so, often to the critical moment of treatment, because of lack of money and not effective treatment, Wang Yang sigh.

Drugs are similar.

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