
Alternative Medicines for Lowering High Creatinine Level

To lower high creatinine level, dialysis, ketosteril, diuretic and some other medications are used commonly. However, not all people with high creatinine level respond to these methods, so they are eager to find out alternative treatments for high creatinine level.

1. Western medicines

Diuretics: These medicines work by increasing kidney output so as to remove more waste products and toxins from the body. However, regular use of diuretics in long time may in turn cause the increase of creatinine level, so correct dosage is very important.

Ketosteril: It can help not only lower high creatinine level but also slow down the progression of chronic kidney disease.

Calcium channel blocker: This is one common anti-hypertensive agent that can also help lower high creatinine level by expanding blood vessels and increasing the blood flow through kidneys.

There are many other types of western medications to deal with high creatinine level. As for which one is suitable for you, it should depend on your illness condition. Therefore, you can describe your illness condition to online doctor, so they can help you find a correct medication.

2. Chinese medicines

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an alternative treatment for high creatinine level in Chronic Kidney Failure as it has the ability to repair injured kidney intrinsic cells to improve kidney function. As long as kidney function gets improved, excess creatinine will be removed out of the body successfully, as a result of which, high creatinine level decreases.

Different from many other oral medicines which are always used to control Chronic Kidney Failure symptoms, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treats kidney problem by repairing some kidney damages and improving kidney function. This treatment is based on Chinese herbs which contain lots of necessary nutritions for injured kidney tissues. Similar with cells in many our other body parts, kidney intrinsic cells also have a certain self-repairing ability. When kidney cells are injured mildly, they can recover by themselves if further kidney damages can be stopped. In an affected kidney, there are kidney cells that are damaged mildly, so through activating them and supplying them with nutritions, they can get recovery and kidney function can be improved greatly. A strong kidney function is the key point to maintain a normal serum creatinine level, so when kidney function gets improved, high creatinine level gets lowered down effectively.

With the help of two osmotic devices, shattered Chinese herbs can permeate into the body quickly and play their effects of anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, expanding blood vessels and improving kidney function. (If you want to learn more about this treatment, you can leave a email to 1411835675@qq.com)

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