
Home Remedies for High Creatinine Level

High creatinine level usually mean there are extra creatinine building up in your blood, which may be a sign of kidney damage. Here is remedies for patients with elevated creatinine level.

Be a vegetarian

Creatinine is from the creatine which is only found within animal products. Therefore, to reduce the source of creatinine, you should reduce the intake of meat.Plant based diet have show to reduce all the major factors of kidney disease.However,if the kidney patients have malnutrition, you should increase the intake of meat properly.

Proper diets

Diets have certain impact on creatinine level because too much meat and protein intake can further increase high creatinine, therefore patients with high creatinine should avoid the intake of red meat, alcohol and limit high-salt, high-fat and high-sugar foods.

Drinking more water can help lower high creatinine. Besides, there are many foods that are very beneficial to the kidneys include unsweetened cranberry juice, radish, carrots, cucumber, cauliflower, etc.

On the other hand, proper diets can help ensure enough nutritions to the body but at the same time producing less metabolic wastes and toxins so as to much relieve burdens and strain to the kidneys.

Stop creatine supplement and avoid strenuous activities

Creatinine is the end product of creatine from muscle metabolism, therefore stop it if you are taking creatine. Avoid strenuous exercises can help reduce muscle metabolism and the production of creatinine.


If high creatinine level can not be reversed, you may need to take some medicines and drugs. There are many natural herbal medicines that are very effective at lowering creatinine. Here is a list of herbal medicines that can help lower high creatinine. You can buy and take these herbs under professional practitioners of herbal medicines.

Dandelion root, cinnamon, ginseng can reduce serum creatinine level.

Nettles can also help reduce high creatinine level. But those that are taking blood-thinning medicines should not have nettles with the medicines they are taking now.

The above are some home remedies for high creatinine level.As the illness condition varies from person to person, the remedies may not suit their condition. If you want to know which remedy is good to you, please consult us on line directly.

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