
Is Dialysis The Only Way for Kidney Failure Patients with 8% Renal Function

As we all know, dialysis is one of the most common treatments of kidney failure, but it is not the only way, there are some other treatments also can be used to treat kidney failure. Thus, is dialysis the only way for kidney failure patients with 8% kidney function?

8% renal function tells the condition is severe, and now it is in stage 5 chronic kidney disease also known as end-stage renal disease. It is true that most cases will be treated with dialysis or kidney transplant in many other hospitals, but we are here helping kidney failure patients save their own kidneys.

Many Chinese Medicines can replace dialysis, they are Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy, Maikang Mixture, Hot Compress Therapy and Foot Bath Therapy. All of the can replace dialysis to discharge the toxins in blood and relieve those symptoms of kidney failure. Besides that, they also can treat kidney failure without making further damage to the kidneys.

8% renal function means there still has blood flows to kidneys. In that case, active materials of medicines can be taken to kidneys by blood flow and then play the corresponding functions. In Huaxia Kidney Disease Hospital, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is commonly used to help kidney failure patients. It is based on Chinese herbal medicine, but used externally. Two bags filled with processed Chinese herbal medicines are put under the lower back of patients. Osmosis device will be used to help active materials directly get into blood through permeating into skin.

The active materials of Chinese herbal medicines can play the functions including extending blood vessels, improving blood circulation, removing blood stasis and immune complexes out of body, offering kidneys nutrients and promoting DNA replication of damaged kidney inherent cells, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and degradation to gradually repair kidney damage and recover renal function.

If you are interested in those alternative therapies or want to treat kidney failure without dialysis, you can contact us by email or leave message below, we will try our best to help you

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