
How Much Water Should A CKD Patient Drink

Our kidneys are responsible to maintain the fluid balance in the body. To healthy people, they are recommended to drink 8 glasses of water, but to patients with renal failure, they should reduce the amount because their impaired kidney can’t remove the extra fluid. How much water should patients with CKD drink per day?
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Your kidneys are tasked with maintaining fluid balance in the body. They signal the uptake of sodium for the body to retain water and the release of fluids when your body has too much water. If your kidneys do not function properly, they may not be able to release fluids. Your physician may recommend fluid restrictions, depending upon how impaired your kidney function is. Often individuals with CKD decide to maximize their recommended fluid allowances by splurging on coffee and milk, fruits.

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Since different patients have different illness condition, the problem that how much water should patients drink mainly depends on patients’ illness condition.
Your physician will measure your wight between dialysis treatments. You may expect to gain between 1 and 2 lbs of water weight between treatments. IF your weight is creasing, you need to restrict your fluid intake further. How much water should you drink also determined by urine output.

Patients with kidney disease usually die of many severe complications instead of the kidney disease. Correct amount of water is able to guarantee patients stay in a relatively stable condition. In their daily life, patients with Renal Failure had better eat more food or fruits which are able to help produce more urine.

How much water should patients with Kidney Disease drink? Measuring your urine output and controlling the water intake are the key to the answer.

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