
Is Yoga Helpful for Kidney Patients

Is yoga good for kidney disease patients? The answer is depending on patients illness condition. As we know, yoga is a common and popular activities, as it can help strong people's immunity and remedy some kinds of diseases naturally. So kidney disease patients often wander if yoga can help treat their kidney disease.

Patients suitable for yoga

1. High blood fat is common on kidney patients, yoga can stimulate fat embolism in patients’ bodies, so it can help patients lower this level in some degree.

2. Patients with low immunity can take yoga to boost their immunity.

3. Doing yoga can stimulate lymphatic system so as to excrete the toxins building in bodies.

4. Yoga can give patients a peaceful condition and adjust their nervous system so as to ease some symptoms, such as insomnia and anxiety.

However, although yoga is good for kidney disease patients, but it doesn’t mean all the kidney patients can do yoga activity. Because some yoga poses need people do twist, back bends or some other difficult postures, which will make people stress their kidneys. For PKD patients, because there are numerous cysts on kidneys which will make the kidneys enlargement. If they do some yoga poses to stress their kidney parts, it will cause the kidneys rupture. So they should avoid these poses.

Patients should avoid yoga

1. If patients’ condition is serious, they should take rest at bed rather than do this exercise.

2. Hemorrhagic disorders can be a complication of PKD, since polystic kidney disease can induce loss of some blood coagulation factor. If patients have this complication, they are not recommended to do yoga, since it may aggravate bleeding.

3. Patients are susceptible to osteoporosis, and if their conditions are serious, yoga is not a good choice for them. Patients with osteoporosis have high risk of fracture when they do yoga. Hardness of their bones decrease but fragility increase, so fracture will happen easily.

4. Patients with serious heart disease should avoid yoga, since it may increase the burden of heart and cause some serious conditions, like sudden death.

5. If patients’cysts grow large enough, they are not suitable for this exercise, because cysts may rupture during exercises.

If patients want to do yoga to remedy their kidney disease, or improve their immunity, they should first ask the advice of their doctors. They should do yoga depending on their illness condition.

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