
Why Does Low Blood Pressure Occur In Dialysis Patient

Dialysis especially hemodialysis is one of the important treatments for end stage renal failure patients. Adequate dialysis can not only prolong the patient’s life expectancy but also can improve the patient’s nutritional states and life quality.

Why dialysis cause low blood pressure?

There are several factors that can cause low blood pressure. Too much gain of body weight during two dialysis sessions can increase ultrafiltration and reduce blood volume and cause low blood pressure. Besides, hyponatremia (low blood sodium), heart insufficiency, vascular damages, fluctuating blood pressure, having foods or taking high blood pressure medicines during dialysis, elderly patients and diabetes patients are all susceptible factors of low blood pressure.
Dialysis is a medical procedure which can help to clear harmful substances away from blood. However, dialysis does not work as well as our kidney, as during this process, not only harmful substances, but also some nutrition are removed as well. Removing too much weight at one time can cause quick decrease of bloodstream in kidney, and thus lead to low blood pressure. To prevent this condition, having a proper control of the dry weight is very important. In addition, aside from quick removal of too much weight, taking antihypertensive pills before dialysis also should be blamed for low blood pressure. As we have mentioned above, to have a tight control of high blood pressure, medications like ACE inhibitors and ARBs are always applied. These medications are helpful; however, for kidney failure patients who are on dialysis, they need to regular the dose of medications before dialysis, otherwise, low blood pressure will be caused. How much antihypertensive are needed generally depends on the specific illness condition.

Why Blood Pressure Is So Low After Two Days of Dialysis

How to prevent low blood pressure during and after dialysis?

According to individual differences, personalized dialysis should be designed.
If patients have serious hypoproteinemia, albumin or plasma will be injected during dialysis to increase colloid osmotic pressure.

What Are All Symptoms Of Kidney Failure

If patients have serious anemia, blood substitute can be injected.

If patients have cardiovascular problems, some drugs that can help improve cardiovascular functions can be given under the doctor’s permission and guidance.

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