
how To Lower High Creatinine Treatment 2.3mg/dL

All patients with kidney disease are familiar with creatine level. When it is higher than normal level, it indicates kidney damage. What does creatinine 2.3 mean? Is is serious?

What does creatinine 2.3 mean?

Creatinine is the byproduct of muscle and normally is filtered out of body by kidneys. Therefore, the creatinine can keep at a constant level in right condition. However, in kidney disease, if the nephrons are impaired extensively, the kidneys will fail to remove the metabolic wastes from body adequately, thus resulting in high creatinine level.

Clinical studies show that creatinine level begins to increase when about a half of kidney tissues are injured. Therefore, although creatinine 2.3 is not very high, but it means kidney function has been impaired severely.

Food And Water Intake for Creatinine 2.3mg/dL

How to reduce creatinine 2.3 in kidney disease?

1. Well-planed diet

A well-planed diet is an important part in the treatment for creatinine 2.3. In reality, for patients whose creatinine level has been elevated to 2.1, they generally need to limit protein intake, reduce salt intake and stay far away from high potassium foods and high phosphorus foods. In addition, if they have swelling, they also need to limit fluid intake.

2. To Restore kidney function

creatinine level increases as impaired kidney fail to excrete excess creatinine in the body, so repairing kidney damages to restore kidney function is the basic for the decrease of creatinine 2.3.

3. To form a Healthy life style

A healthy life style refers to regular bed time, regular physical exercises and quitting of smoking and drinking alcohol.

4. To prevention cold and infection

Cold and infection are the leading two causes of relapse of kidney disease and increase of creatinine level, so it is very necessary for kidney disease patients to prevent cold and infection.

In fact, they reverse the reasons and outcome completely. Creatinine itself is not toxic at all and it is just a sign of kidney damage severity. Reducing creatinine level should not be the treatment goal. As creatinine results from reduced renal function, the treatment goal should be restoring impaired kidney structure and improving renal function. If the kidneys are restored very well and recover the filtering function, the accumulated toxins and creatinine will be filtered by kidneys gradually. Thereby, creatinine level will reduce completely.

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