
Is Mango OK For CKD Patients

Mango is a popular fruit among people, with its good reputation the king of tropical fruit. Mango is loved by many people, even for chronic kidney disease patients. However, is mango good for chronic kidney failure patients? This is a common question for CKD patients, as they need to restrict their daily diet.

Because the kidneys can’t work normally in renal failure, patients are usually weaker and have lower immunity than the general population. Mango contains rich carotene and vitamin C, and both of these two nutrition have a great benefit of regulating patients’ immune system and improving their immunity. In addition, vitamin C can also help protect the remaining kidney function and increase the rate of kidney filtering wastes.

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If the patients still have enough urine, mango’s diuretic function can also increase patients’ urine amount so that more waste products can be discharged from the body to control patients’ condition. It is reported that the nucleus of mango can be used as medicine to lower high blood pressure and help remove more toxins from the body.

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1. Improve the immunity

For kidney failure patients, their kidneys are damaged with their kidney function gradually reduced, the CKD patients will become weaker and weaker. With their poor immunity, they will suffer from some serious symptoms, mango will help them to improve their immunity. As mango contains rich carotene and vitamin C, the two nutrition can help regulate the immune system and improve the immunity. Besides, vitamin C can also help patients to protect their residual kidney function.

2. A natural diuretic

Mango is also a natural diuretic, which can be helpful for CKD patients who still have urination. Mango can help increase the urine output, and help remove more wastes from body.

3. Lower high blood pressure

Mango contains nucleus, which can be used as a medicine to help lower high blood pressure. Meanwhile, nucleus can also help remove the wastes from the body.
Does the above content mean mango is good for all people with kidney failure? Unfortunately, the answer is not, because mango also contains many other nutrition that are not suitable for some people.

From above we can know, although mango has benefits for CKD patients, but it doesn’t mean all the kidney patients can eat mango, because some patients eat mango may also cause kidney damage. Therefore, for chronic kidney disease patients, they need to eat mango depending on their illness condition, so it is better for them to ask the advice of their doctors before they eat something.

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