
Why Does Swelling Relapse Frequently In Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome relapses easily, and even can be caused by a mild cold. well, why Nephropathy Nephropathy relapses frequently? And how to prevent the relapse of Nephrotic Syndrome?

Nephrotic syndrome is a common kidney disorder, which will cause the kidney damage. The clinical manifestation of nephrotic syndrome include: a large amount of proteinuria, severe swelling, hyperlipidemia and hypoproteinemia. All these symptoms are caused by the kidney damage and the reduced kidney function, and the symptoms will worsen the kidney function in turn. Therefore, it is particularly important for patients to control their symptoms.

Why Does Proteinuria Ralapse Frequently In Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome can be divided into primary and secondary, and most of nephrotic syndrome are caused by inflammation. When people have abnormal or poor immune system, the antigen invade our body easily, and combine with antibody, which will cause the formation of immune complexes. With the circulation of blood, these immune complexes may lodge in kidney, then inflammation will occur, which will defeat the immune complexes and also damage the kidney tissues.
For children with nephrotic syndrome, they are recommended to use immunosuppressive agents to block inflammation, which can control their symptoms and illness effectively. However, as the children often have poor immune system, they may get infection or inflammation easily, which will also cause the nephrotic syndrome relapse easily. On the other hand, if they stop taking medicines or reduce medicine dose, the nephrotic syndrome will also relapse easily.

Risk Factors For Relapse In Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome

For Nephrotic Syndrome patients, their illness condition repeats frequently, because immune complexes in their kidney are not removed and their immune system are not normalized. Without strong and normal immune system, more and more immune complexes are formed and deposit in kidney, leading to the repeat occurrence of inflammation. Therefore, if Nephrotic Syndrome patients want to avoid relapse radically, aside from controlling symptoms and adjusting diet, they also need to normalize their immune system, improve their immunity and remove immune complexes that have deposited in the kidney. Only in this way, can inflammation and relapse of Nephrotic Syndrome be prevented effectively.

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