
How To Find Uremia In Early Stage of Kidney Disease

Uremia (uremic syndrome) is a serious complication of chronic kidney disease and acute kidney injury (which used to be known as acute renal failure). It occurs when urea and other waste products build up in the body because the kidneys are unable to eliminate them. These substances can become poisonous (toxic) to the body if they reach high levels.

Summarize the clinical manifestations of uremia mainly include: digestive system symptoms are nausea, nausea, diarrhea or constipation, mouth urine taste; cardiovascular system symptoms are hypertension, congestive heart failure, uremic pericarditis, cardiomyopathy; blood system symptoms are significant anemia, bleeding tendency; nervous system symptoms are early stage; Neuromuscular disorders, peripheral polyneuropathy, uremic encephalopathy, respiratory symptoms of uremic pneumonia, skin itching and urea cream. In addition, metabolic acidosis often occurs, and it is manifested by high potassium or low potassium, low calcium and high phosphorus.

The chief cause of uremia is damage to the kidneys, which has a variety of causes. Diseases that can affect kidney function include Bright disease (glomerulonephritis), chronic hypertension, and diabetes mellitus. Blockages of the flow of urine due to urinary stones or, in males, enlarged prostate glands can also cause uremia. The treatment of uremia rests on the identification and treatment of the disorder that is the underlying cause. Patients whose kidneys are diseased and who are waiting for kidney transplants often suffer varying degrees of uremia. In such cases, treatment typically is with dialysis—i.e., the artificial filtering of the blood by a machine outside the body.

In the past 30 years, a great deal of research has been done in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of uremia all over the world. Many modern techniques have been applied and good results have been achieved. In addition to drugs, renal replacement is a fast-growing discipline. The development of hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, kidney transplantation, chinese herbal medicines, which have saved a large number of uremic patients facing death and brought them back to life.

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