
Is It appropriate for renal transplant patient with creatinine 8.9

I have a patient with renal insufficiency, suffered the disease Roela nine years, recently his novel creatinine 8.9.Además, she has bad appetite, nausea and hypothyroidism. She wants to know that this situation is suitable for taking a kidney? Or is there some other treatment may be the alternative treatment of kidney transplant?

From your description, I have a general idea about their condition. As the patient's renal failure now, a lot of toxins in your body (such as creatinine, urea) and their immunity is so low, there is inflammation in your body. By his condition now, even if the transplant is going on inside your body environment is not stable, it is not good to live the new kidney. What’s more, as the patient's renal disease, she will have to take anti-rejection medication all his life, which belongs to the chemical medicine, which can bring much burden on your kidneys, you know that 70% of body waste must be removed through the kidneys. And finally, you will face kidney failure again. So his present condition, we intend to take your transplant.

In fact, for patients who are in this situation, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a better option than the kidney transplant. This treatment is based on traditional Chinese medicine and belongs to the conservative treatment, which has functions of extracting the toxin, the expansion of blood vessels, anti-inflammation and promote blood circulation to improve renal function of the patient, Therefore to help patients control their disease too.

To learn more about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or want to treat kidney failure and without renal transplantation, you can send email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. Our kidney experts will give you treatment suggestion based on your illness condition.

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