
Renal Failure with 673 Creatinine: is possible to avoid dialysis

As your creatinine has increased to 673, it is the most urgent and critical time for you. As your kidney disease is progressive, it can develop in two opposite directions. With effective treatment in time, kidney function can be improved and the creatinine level can be lowered. Otherwise, you need to start dialysis.

Why not the kidney failure patients is recommended to take dialysis?

As we all know, dialysis is the fastest way to clear the toxin from the body. But dialysis can take over part of the function of the native kidney.

Creatinine makes clear away temporarily, but you can not treat kidney disease and recover the damaged glomerulus. Since kidney function is damaged, these toxins can not be expelled from his body, because they leave in your body, including micromolecule toxin (such as creatinine, urea and uric acid in the blood), the toxin molecule media (such as Cys -C and PTH) and toxin macromolecule (such as HCY, RBP and BMG). But dialysis is only able to download the micromolecule toxin, can not remove the middle molecule toxin and toxin macromolecule. With so much of toxins in the body, it is easy to catch heart failure. Dialysis also it causes many side effects such as fatigue, muscle cramps, itching and infection effects. What's more, the impact of dialysis heart, almost half of dialysis patients died of a heart problem.

Is it possible that patients with renal insufficiency can avoid dialysis?

Currently, it is in step 4 renal disease. It is a very important turning point in the progression of kidney disease. Once you enter the stage 5, which will have to make preparations for the start of dialysis. However, with effective treatment in time, your kidney function will certainly be improved. You will be able to avoid dialysis. Here I recommend Micro Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to you, it has proven effective in treating kidney failure.

To learn more about this treatment or want to avoid dialysis, you can leave message to us or send email to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will do everything possible to help you.

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