
Chronic kidney failure patients on the diet which are taboo

Chronic kidney failure patients diet
Diet provides us with the necessary nutrients in the body, so that we can maintain the normal life activities, but you know? Diet and our health are closely related, improper diet to make people sick or even death. Diet is especially important for patients with chronic disease. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that patients with chronic renal failure to eat light, avoid eating irritating food. In particular, cattle and sheep dog meat, or can lead to death.

In patients with chronic renal failure due to the toxin in body retention and blood microcirculation and other reasons caused by gastrointestinal mucosa often show hyperemia, erosion state, such as eating hard foods, fried foods, such as sesame candy cake, fried noodles nest, often lead to food in the stomach cut blood vessels and cause bleeding. Due to chronic renal failure, patients with coagulation disorders, bleeding is difficult to stop, it will lead to death.

Patients with renal failure diet should be light, avoid spicy spicy food

Chronic renal failure, uremia patients with gastrointestinal mucosal often congestion, erosion state, such as eating chili, liquor and other irritating foods, often increase the gastrointestinal mucosal erosion, resulting in the blood vessels of the stomach lining.

Kidney failure to eat dogs, sheep, cattle and other meat products should be cautious or can lead to death

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that dog meat, mutton, beef and other volatiles, easily lead to recurrence or worsening of the disease, clinical did see patients with systemic or failure caused by eating beef, lamb after illness and finally died, whether coincidence remains to be further observed, but in patients with chronic renal failure or to not eating meat such as well.

Read the above content, your diet on renal failure attention matters should be clear, you must be careful, oh, if you have, please timely medical treatment, so as not to delay the best treatment time. Hope that the majority of patients with friends to accept, for as soon as possible to restore the body. Finally, I wish everyone can have a good body, happy every day.

More Information:http://www.kidneytherapychina.org/

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