
What are the benefits of eating melon nephritis

This article review: winter is the most common daily table of food, so what are the benefits for nephritis patients to eat melon? What are the characteristics of the daily diet of patients with nephritis?

Nephritis patients diet need special attention, sometimes need to deliberately do they can of food. Their diet note important is not too salty, salt is to put less, because that won't aggravate renal filtration capacity, and can not eat too fishy and too irritating the. Then the specific diet requirements we also paraffin look at the following introduction.

A melon, green bean soup

Wax gourd, green beans, soup, ginger, scallion, salt. Will aluminum pot wash home Wanghuo, pour soup Shaofei, fishing net foam; ginger wash net broken beat into the pot and onions to the root wash rolled into the wok, mung bean panning clean, remove the floating on the surface of the hull, and then into the soup pot stew; white gourd peel, flesh, washed and diced into soup pot, simmer until soft and cooked but not rotten, add a little salt, you can eat. This soup taste of pure color clear, crisp and delicious, have diuresis relieving. Suitable for summer water wet block caused by adverse urine, or urine color yellow and less. Thirsty upset, or edema, or urinary tract infection, such as burning pain.

Two, white gourd spinach soup

Wax gourd, spinach, lamb, ginger, onion and the amount. First the wax gourd peel, pulp, wash, cut into squares and spinach choose a good wash, cut into 4 cm long segment, lamb, cut thin slices, ginger cut into thin slices, green onions and cut into sections, and then set fire to the wok, filling heat, put chopped green onion, sheep meat stir fry, then add in scallion, ginger, spinach, melon block, stir fry a few, add soup, boil for about 10 minutes, add salt, soy sauce, MSG. Then pour into the wet starch juice and mix thoroughly into. This soup soup taste delicious, with tonic swelling, weight loss fitness effect for women in pregnancy edema, body fat food.

Children suffering from nephritis, diet can not eat more salt

Acute nephritis, often advocated to control the sodium into the body, because the kidney is not normal, the glomerular filtration rate is not normal, the sodium salt into the body is not easy to discharge and retention, causing edema.

In addition, the aldosterone secretion of nephritis, renal tubular row of potassium and sodium enhanced to promote water and sodium retention. When the salt into the body to absorb into the blood, not only increase the burden on the kidneys, but also to increase the plasma permeability, osmotic pressure, high water absorption, increased blood volume, is the heart burden. The sodium ion can penetrate into the tissue through the capillary tube wall, which is the increase of tissue fluid osmotic pressure, and some of the water is transferred to the tissue.

So to avoid salt, but should pay attention to, long-term avoid salt not only affect appetite, and the recovery of kidney disease does not help, the growth and development of children's systemic harmful, and even cause low sodium syndrome.

More Information:http://www.kidneytherapychina.org/

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