
Pregnant women are more likely to suffer from glomerulonephritis

Pregnant women
This guide: glomerulonephritis nephropathy is one of the common, also be nephritis. Pregnant women should be careful of glomerular nephritis, why pregnant women are more likely to suffer from nephritis? So how to prevent the nephritis during pregnancy?

In pregnant women, estrogen secretion increased, ureteral tension decreased, peristalsis weakened, leading to poor urinary tract, the incidence of reflux of urine is higher, so the urinary tract infection in pregnancy, most of the kidney.

Glomerulonephritis with a preference for pregnant women

1, during pregnancy ureter by the effects of estrogen and progesterone and expansion, resulting in tissue relaxation, enlargement of the lumen, peristalsis is slow, often cause urinary retention in the ureter and renal pelvis, thus creating conditions for bacteria in the ureter and renal pelvis to growth and reproduction.

2, the female urethral mouth directly adjacent to the vagina and anus and urethral and a shorter, if not pay attention to hygiene, easy to make bacterial aggregation and invade urethral upward to the renal pelvis, cause pyelonephritis.

3, the uterus of pregnant women's expansion of oppression of the bladder and ureter, can also cause the flow of urine and urinary retention. Retention of urine can not only stimulate the urethra mucosa, but also easy to breed bacteria.

4, the urine glucose, amino acids and other nutrients in pregnancy increased, but also to provide conditions for bacterial reproduction.

5, during pregnancy the body resistance to decline, susceptible to gingivitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bacterial infection of the lesions can be through the blood spread to the urinary system, causing pyelonephritis.

More Inforemation: http://www.kidneytherapychina.org/

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