
Suffering from uremia will have what harm

uremia harm
This paper introduction: suffering from uremia after should not be overlooked. There is no treatment for severe will lead to death, then uremia will bring what harm to the body? Look at the following together, what are the specific hazards.

Acute or chronic kidney function not full development to serious stage, due to the accumulation of metabolites and water, electrolyte, acid-base balance disorders that endocrine function disorders caused by the body appear a series of autologous poisoning symptoms known as uremia. Uremia is a serious hazard to human health, if treatment is not timely, resulting in some complications can lead to the death of the patient. After entering the late stage of uremia, systemic system will be involved, there is a heart failure, mental abnormalities, coma and other serious cases, life-threatening.

What are the hazards of uremia uremia which harm to uremia

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Harm of uremia

1, nerve and mental symptoms

When suffering from uremia, it will make the patient's awareness of the disorder, cranial nerve damage, muscle spasm and epilepsy.

2, sexual dysfunction

Suffering from uremia will enable women, irregular menstruation, menstrual quantity and even less is amenorrhea, men will appear premature ejaculation, impotence, infertility and so on.

3, respiratory symptoms

Suffering from uremia patients will make the patient suffering from bronchitis, purulent bronchitis, bronchial pneumonia, etc..

4, gastrointestinal manifestations

The earliest and most prominent symptoms showed loss of appetite, mouth taste of urine and nausea and vomiting. Blood system performance: anemia, bleeding tendency. Mental, neurological manifestations: fatigue, insomnia, attention is not concentrated.

5, cardiovascular system performance

Cardiovascular disease is a common cause of death. Hypertension, heart failure, atherosclerosis and visible pericarditis. Endocrine disorders: plasma renin can be normal or elevated, three of the lower ossification of the bone, the reduction of erythropoietin. Respiratory system manifestations: acid poisoning is a deep and long breathing. Too much fluid can cause pulmonary edema. Uremic toxins can cause uremia pneumonia.

6, easy to concurrent infection

Uremic patients are prone to infection, pulmonary infection is the most common, fever is not obvious, it is easy to infection and the immune function of the body, the white blood cell dysfunction.

Through the above introduction, I believe that we should be aware of the dangers of uremia, which appears to be a lot of damage to the human body is a great. I hope that friends can understand, try to do a good job on the prevention of the disease. The disease should be treated in a timely manner, can not give up treatment because of serious disease, and actively cooperate with the treatment can effectively prolong the life of patients.

More Information:http://www.kidneytherapychina.org/therapy/

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