
What are the manifestations of acute glomerulonephritis

For many patients with friends is very troublesome, many patients for the acute symptoms is not very clear, thus leading to many patients can not discover glomerulonephritis condition, lead to illness getting worse, on treatment produced a lot of difficulties. Well, in order to help you understand the experts made the following introduction.
Glomerular nephritis symptom:

(1): about 40% of the patients for the discovery of urine was wash water meat (hematuria) seeking medical treatment, some patients in medical testing urine found have red blood cells (hematuria).

(2)The emergence of mild to moderate proteinuria in the patient's urine.

(3): acute glomerular nephritis patients because of dizziness, and memory was significantly decreased and diagnosed by measuring blood pressure increase, further examination of urine and identified as acute nephritis.

(4)The edema: about 90% of patients can appear edema and mild morning see eyelid edema, severe edema can extend to the whole body, and even the emergence of pleural effusion and ascites.

Above is the expert for the symptoms of acute glomerular nephritis have what it for all of us to make the introduction of, hope we read to understand acute glomerular nephritis have those symptoms, early detection of their illness treatment.

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