
What are the complications of common glomerulonephritis

Sometimes, disease to threat to people is not a disease itself, but the disease has what serious, in addition to affect people's work and life, seriously, but also lead to patients with loss of life, such as, then common glomerulonephritis caused by complications is what? Under the surface to see.

1 circulation congestion state: because of water and sodium retention, blood volume exhaustion, until. The incidence of different reports, and the severity of the disease, treatment.

2 encephalopathy: this complication of glomerular nephritis refers to a sharp increase in blood pressure (especially diastolic blood pressure), the emergence of the central nervous system symptoms. More common children than adults. Is generally believed that this disease is in on the basis of systemic hypertension, cerebral internal resistance of the small blood vessels spasm lead to cerebral hypoxia cerebral edema caused by; but some people think it is the sharp rise in blood pressure, cerebral vascular original with automatic Shu shrinkage control function out of control, cerebrovascular height hyperaemia, brain edema caused in addition acute renal sodium and water retention also in the pathogenesis of the disease play a role.

3 acute renal failure: acute nephritis in children with a considerable part of the acute phase of the disease, but the progression of acute renal failure is a very small number of patients. The main cause of the death of acute nephritis is the effective prevention measures, which is also the main cause of the death of acute nephritis.

How is the treatment of glomerulonephritis better?

1, the application of diuretics: mild edema in general without diuretics. Severe edema can use hydrochlorothiazide and furosemide.

2, the application of antihypertensive drugs: sudden or prolonged blood pressure can cause renal artery spasm or sclerosis, cause kidney damage, renal dysfunction. Timely antihypertensive treatment is very important. The antihypertensive drugs with metoprolol grams, nifedipine, amlodipine, Ding Ning, catopril acid, enalapril and losartan. Because of the great influence of hypertension on renal function, it is the focus of the treatment of chronic nephritis.

3, the catopril acid, enalapril and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (AcEI) in addition to systemic blood pressure lowering effect, but also reduce the pressure in the glomerular capillaries, delayed onset, and reduced. This kind of medicine has been very common, but the patients used the drug to beware of hyperkalemia.

4, anticoagulants and platelet depolymerization drugs, anticoagulants and platelet depolymerization drugs for certain types of nephritis renal function has good stability and reduce the renal pathological damage. To have a clear hypercoagulable state and prone to pathological types of hypercoagulable state such as membrane, mesangial capillary proliferative glomerulonephritis, long-term application of dipyridamole and aspirin and other drugs.

For glomerulonephritis severe complications, small series is for you introduced to here, however, this is nephropathy is more serious, you must be careful, if you want to quickly get healthy up, then you should listen to the guidance of a doctor, timely treatment.

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