
Can Stage 3 CKD Patients Live A Normal Life

Is it possible for stage 3 CKD patients to live a normal life? Once people are diagnosed with kidney disease, they are eager to know their life span. Follow us to know the details.

Generally speaking, as for stage 3 CKD patients with 45% kidney functions, they still have possibility to come back normal life like the common people, only if they take proper and timely treatments. Stage 3 CKD is one important stage for patients, which majority kidney tissues and cells are damaged. Therefore, these damaged kidney tissues and cells can be repaired and kidney functions are restored gradually in timely treatment. After kidney functions improving, kidney can work normally again, thus patients can live the normal life like the common without rely on the other treatment methods.How can people know they are suffering from Stage 3 of Chronic Kidney Disease? As kidney function declines, a lot of waste products will build up in our body and then some complications of kidney disease such as high blood pressure, anemia, proteinuria, fatigue, kidney pain and sleep problems will appear. These complications with an exact examination can help us find our kidney disease.

What is effective treatment for stage 3 of Chronic Kidney Disease? Only depending on a healthy habit and eating some prescribed medicines can’t slow the development of the patient’s condition when his disease has been stage 3 of Chronic Kidney Disease. At that time, the patient should visit their doctor every 4 months. Blood tests for creatinine, hemoglobin, calcium and proteinuria levels can be used to see how well the kidneys are functioning and he had better take some medicines which have less side effects. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy may be a good option. This treatment combining the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine has formed in China. Using the most effective but least side-effect medicine is the essence of this treatment and now it has helped many patients with stage 3 of Chronic Kidney Disease to have a more good life.

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