
How To Decrease High Creatinine Level In Diabetic Nephropathy

It seems like that dialysis is the only choice for patients with high creatinine level which caused by diabetes. While in our country, we are not recommend patients only rely on dialysis for reducing high creatinine due to diabetes. Well then, is there any treatment to lower down high creatinine level for diabetic nephropathy?

Creatinine is the metabolite of muscles activity and the meat we eat in body, and creatinine is mainly excreted by kidneys. When the kidneys are slightly damaged, the creatinine can filter out normally. And the normal creatinine level is 0.7-1.3 mg/dl, when the creatinine level is higher than this level, which means the kidney function has been damaged severely, and the kidney function is less than 50%. So creatinine 5 means the kidney function is severely reduced, so patients need to have prompt and effective treatment to prevent the further damage of the kidneys.

If you don’t have some serious symptoms and you still have urination, you can delay your dialysis to have alternative treatments to delay or prevent dialysis.

- You should first control your high blood sugar. As we know, diabetes is a common leading cause of kidney disease, so you should control your high blood sugar which will prevent the further damage of your kidney failure.

- You should limit your meat intake and reduce strenuous exercises, which will reduce the produce of creatinine in body.

- You should also strict your daily diet to remit your symptoms of swelling, and a kidney-friendly diet will be helpful in reduce the kidney burden and protect the residual kidney function.

- You should have treatments on your kidney damage. Here we recommend Chinese therapies, which can help repair the damaged kidney tissues and improve the kidney function. Only the kidney function is improved, you will really get rid of dialysis. This therapy is to make use of Chinese medicine to draw toxins out of the renal cells and eliminate waste products from blood to help you lower creatinine level. All of us should know that increased creatinine level results from kidney damage. If you want to have a good control of creatinine level, you should recover your kidneys’ function to filter waste products from the blood. Toxin-Removing Treatment can not only help you have a cleanse of the blood, but also dilate blood vessels and remove stasis to increase blood flow into damaged kidneys to provide them with enough oxygen, nutrients and active ingredients of medicine to speed up kidney recovery. Then patients do not have to relay on dialysis to reduce high creatinine level. Of course diabetes can be controlled well at the same time with this kind of treatment.

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