As renal functions decline, Creatinine Level will increase at the same time.
It is an important indicator to value the healthy condition of renal functions.
In addition, it also one of the important factors that if Dialysis is necessary
for patients. As for Creatinine 5.9, Is It Necessary to Take Dialysis?
Due to damaged kidney, kidney can not eliminate excess creatinine out of the
body effectively, but make them accumulate in blood. In medicine, the normal
range of creatinine level is 0.5 to 1.2. As for creatinine 5.9, it is much
higher than the normal range which means kidney damage is extremely serious.
Creatinine 5.9 is in stage 4 kidney disease and renal functions have been lost
more than 70%. If patients do not take effective treatments to prevent or
relieve the condition, it may end up with dialysis or kidney transplant
Remedy For Creatinine Level 5 Without Dialysis In Diabetic
If Creatinine Level Is 9.7 then What Should We Do
Can High Creatinine Levels Cause Itching
Generally, kidney disease patients have to begin dialysis when their
creatinine level is higher than 5.0mg/dl. However, these patients have great
individual differences in the time when to start dialysis. Why do some patients
have to undergo dialysis with 2.0mg/dl of creatinine level? Why do some patients
still not start dialysis even though their creatinine level is above 6.0mg/dl?
The reason is that besides high creatinine level, severe complications are also
determining factors for dialysis. If patients just have high serum creatinine
level but no complications, they can delay their dialysis, while some others
have to do dialysis early if some complications occur. Therefore, it is
completely possible to help these patients delay or avoid dialysis.
Generally, kidney disease patients have to begin dialysis when their
creatinine level is higher than 5.0mg/dl. However, these patients have great
individual differences in the time when to start dialysis. Why do some patients
have to undergo dialysis with 2.0mg/dl of creatinine level? Why do some patients
still not start dialysis even though their creatinine level is above 6.0mg/dl?
The reason is that besides high creatinine level, severe complications are also
determining factors for dialysis. If patients just have high serum creatinine
level but no complications, they can delay their dialysis, while some others
have to do dialysis early if some complications occur. Therefore, it is
completely possible to help these patients delay or avoid dialysis.