
Can TCM Treat My Friend on Dialysis for Three Years

My friend is a renal failure patient, and has been on dialysis for three years. He wants to get out of dialysis due to the serious side effects. Can TCM treat my friend on dialysis?

Chinese herbal medicines come from nature and have a history of more than 5,000 years. And it is an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In these years, with the development of medical technology, a number of new forms of Chinese herbs have been introduced to treat kidney diseases. For example, Rheum officinale, Cordyceps sinensis, Dandelion root, and Plantain and so on are commonly applied to treat kidney disease.

Chinese herbs aim to help dialysis patients overcome the complications or discomforts through solving the root problem, namely the kidney damage. Let’s see how does herbal medicine work on kidney disease patients who are on dialysis.

How does conservative Chinese Medicine treat renal failure patients on dialysis?

In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, we create various natural treatment based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Immunotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Stem Cell Therapy, and so on. These treatments can be used each other to help discharge the harmful substances, including creatinine, urea nitrogen, etc and other excess wastes from the body, provide nutrients and oxygen to damaged kidney and repair kidney lesion. Through these advantages, they can improve kidney functions gradually and naturally.

As long as you can produce urine, it means kidney functions are improved well and you have chance to get out of dialysis. If you have no urine for more than 6 months, we can also help you reduce the times of dialysis to improve life quality.

If you want to get out of dialysis or treat renal failure with Chinese Medicine, please leave the patient’s condition and detailed information below, including name, age, gender, country, disease description and phone number/email/WhatsApp or contact ONLINE DOCTOR for free.

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