
Natural Treatment for Swelling In Nephrotic Syndrome

What is the natural treatment for swelling in Nephrotic Syndrome? Are you still
looking for the solution now? If you yet have not fine an effective and natural solution, in the following we will recommend it to you. Welcome to contact our ONLINE DOCTOR for free.

The two major reasons of swelling are massive loss of protein in urine and excess fluid built up. There are some natural herbs can help to ease this symptom.


Nettle is believed to be able to reduce water retention in the body. It also involves in increasing the excretion of uric acid and uric urea. Except for the diuretic function, it also benefits nephrotic syndrome patients in other ways: it contains vitamin C, carotene, iron and calcium. These substances can enhance patients’ immunity, ease anemia and strengthen bones.

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Corn silk

Corn silk is a commonly used diuretic, as it can stimulate urination. It removes the excess fluid together with some toxins. In addition, it also contributes to lower blood pressure, reduce blood fat and blood sugar.

What is more, we should repair damaged tissues and cells from the root so as to regenerate kidney functions. As a matter of fact, swelling is one of the common symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome, which is the result of fluid retention in some part of the body. Kidney is made of various kidney tissues including glomerulus and nephric tubules. In general, kidney filters blood and discharges the excess wastes and toxins from our body effectively through urinary. However, in Nephrotic Syndrome, it is a kind of kidney disorder, which large amount of protein will leak out. As long as too much protein leak out of blood, the plasma osmotic pressure will decrease. In this case, too much fluid will be accumulated in the tissues around cells. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is a favorable treatment for repairing damaged kidney intrinsic cells through dilating blood vessels, providing enough nutrients and oxygen to kidney and gradually improving kidney functions. If you still find natural therapy to relieve swelling in Nephrotic Syndrome, you can try this natural herbal medicine which has won great reputation from more than 74 countries’ patients.

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