
Diabetic nephropathy What are the main causes of treatment

Diabetic nephropathy more common in the course of more than 10 years of diabetes, proteinuria is the earliest manifestations of diabetic nephropathy, the pathogenesis is very complex, not yet fully elucidated. Research data show that the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy is a multi-factor, mainly in the following areas:


And diabetic nephropathy is not directly related to the occurrence of the original high blood pressure or duration to microalbuminuria when the blood pressure can accelerate the progress of diabetic nephropathy and renal function deterioration, increased urinary albumin discharge.

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Renal hemodynamic abnormalities

In the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy, play a key role, and may even be the starting factor.

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1, in the case of increased pressure, protein filtration increased, can also be deposited in the mesangial area and glomerular basement membrane, promote matrix proliferation, the formation of a vicious cycle, and can cause nodular and diffuse glomerular sclerosis.

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2, high blood glucose, glomerular hyperperfusion, hyperfiltration state, increased pressure across the capillary wall, mesangial cell expansion, epithelial cell fossa fusion and produce dense droplets, glomerular epithelial cells from the basement membrane On the fall off.

3, glomerular basement membrane type Ⅳ collagen messenger sugar nucleic acid increased, so that the basement membrane thickening, and ultimately the formation of diffuse mesangial, nodular lesions, the occurrence of glomerular sclerosis.
Diabetic nephropathy and hyperglycemia are closely related to poor blood glucose control can accelerate the development of diabetic nephropathy, good blood glucose control can significantly delay its development. Hyperglycemia and advanced glycation end products increased after mesangial cell proliferation, increased extracellular matrix, mesangial expansion, glomerular basement membrane thickening and so on.

genetic factors

Most patients with diabetes will never develop kidney disease, and some patients with long-term glycemic control can also develop diabetic nephropathy. Glucose Transporter 1 (GLUT1) is the major glucose transporter on glomerular mesangial cells. Recent studies have found that diabetic patients with different interstitial cells GLUT1 menu and regulatory differences may be part of the patients susceptible to kidney damage one of the factors. And the incidence of diabetic nephropathy also showed family aggregation phenomenon, in some family history of diabetes with diabetes, the incidence of diabetic nephropathy was significantly higher than those without family history of hypertension patients. In addition, the incidence of diabetic nephropathy among different races is also different. This shows that the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy and genetic factors.

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