
The pros and cons of dialysis

Dialysis can make renal failure patients in a short time, the body's creatinine and protein content down, you can extend the patient's life, dialysis can be accumulated in the blood of excessive toxins and excessive moisture out of the body, and added Alkali to correct acidosis, adjust the electrolyte disorder, replace the renal excretion function. At the same time, dialysis treatment of renal failure, quick, can the shortest possible time for patients from the scope of life risk. But there will be shortcomings of dialysis, the shortcomings of long-term dialysis will form a dialysis dependent, so that patients can not do without dialysis. And dialysis treatment of renal failure increased the difficulty of treatment and costs, post-dialysis complications will increase and serious. So dialysis is a course of treatment of renal failure in a short term to protect the lives of patients with treatment means.

Toxin-Removing Therapy Stops Cramping After Dialysis

Many Chinese Medicines can replace dialysis, they are Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy, Maikang Mixture, Hot Compress Therapy and Foot Bath Therapy. All of the can replace dialysis to discharge the toxins in blood and relieve those symptoms of kidney failure. Besides that, they also can treat kidney failure without making further damage to the kidneys.

Is A Patient With High Creatinine Level 600 Candidate For Dialysis

Chinese Traditional Treatment now is loved by more and more people, due to its remarkable curative effect. But some people may doubt the effect of it. Because in the past time, the kidney disease can not be reversed. It was, but now this disease can be reversed by improving the kidney function. So for people who are in the early stage, they can get a chance back to normal life with the help of Chinese Treatment. For people who are in the advanced stage, they may can not reverse the disease totally, but they can enjoy a high quality life.

How To Come Out From Dialysis

If you are interested in those alternative therapies or want to treat kidney failure without dialysis, you can contact us by email or leave message below, we will try our best to help you

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