
How To Relieve Proteinuria in Diabetic Nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy is characterized by increased urinary albumin excretion and loss of renal function. Increased urinary albumin (proteinuria) is a key component of this disease. Previously, its development led to end-stage renal disease with increased mortality and morbidity for diabetic patients versus nondiabetic patients. Several treatment strategies currently exist that can prevent, slow, and even reverse diabetic nephropathy. New trials suggest that a multidisciplinary approach focused on optimizing metabolic and hypertensive control, in addition to the use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin 2 receptor antagonists, is effective in halting the progression of disease. Screening and implementation of these strategies is needed to reverse the epidemic of diabetic renal disease.

The treatment for proteinurine in Diabetic Nephropathy:

Hormone medicine. The medicines can reduce proteinuria through lowering the activity of protein. However, the low activity of protein is bad for the immunity. And the proteinuria can occur again without doing something to repair kidneys.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. The processed herbal medicines are applied on the kidney region externally. Active substances in medicine has functions of expending blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-freezing and degrading extra cellular matrix. With the healthy blood circulation, the kidney damage can be blocked and kidney function also can be promoted.

Stem cell therapy. The processed stem cells are injected into body through veins, which can functioning on repairing the injured tissues and restoring the kidney structure. When the kidney functions are improved, the proteinuria can be cured from root.

Now if you want to know more information about the treatment for Diabetic Nephropathy with proteinuria, you can contact our online doctors, leave us messages or send email to 1411835675@qq.com, we will reply you within 24 hours


Is Proteinuria Reversible In Nephrotic Syndrome

Toxin-Removing Treatment is one of treatments on the basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It plays an important role for the treatment of Kidney Disease patients. How does it treat Proteinuria in Nephrotic Syndrome?

Nephrotic Syndrome is a disease with a build up of water in body and leakage of protein from blood into urine and lost protein in blood. Besides, Nephrotic Syndrome occurs because of immune disorder, when there is something wrong with your immune system, the kidney is attacked. However, what I want to tell you is that Nephrotic Syndrome can not be cured, because this illness condition has close relations with your immune disorder. Besides, it would be difficult to get well when immune disorder is damaged.

Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome with Proteinuria than Steroid

How does Toxin-Removing Treatment control proteinuria?

Toxin-Removing Treatment can repair the kidney damage and improve renal function. It contains Chinese herbs and aims at expelling the extra toxins and wastes in the body. It is a systemic treatment which contains various Chinese treatments, such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath Therapy, etc.

How to Prevent Relapse of Nephrotic Syndrome in Children

Through the functions of extending blood vessels, increasing blood circulation to make the blood flows into kidney, and preventing inflammation and coagulation, the Chinese medicines can repair the damaged kidney tissue gradually and improve renal function naturally. In this way, the kidney can sustain the protein effectively, and finally the proteinuria can be controlled fundamentally in Nephrotic Syndrome.

Toxin-Removing Therapy has been proven to be effective for kidney disease treatment, if you want to know more details and get a personalized suggestion, please leave your message in the below or email to 1411835675@qq.com.


How to prevent nephritis?

Treatment for Nephritis depends on the type and cause of the condition. The goal is to reduce inflammation, limit the damage to the kidneys and treat complications, and replace lost kidney function. Conventional treatment. ·Limit the intake of salt, potassium, protein and fluids in the diet.

Here are some of these natural treatments for nephritis:

Young coconut water is something that has been seen as a natural cure for nephritis. Consuming a few glasses of this clear and sometimes sweet water can help clear your nephritis fast.

Avocadoes are also seen as good for treating nephritis. Simply eat an avocado or two when you are suffering from nephritis to help cure your of it. You can have it as guacamole or make avocado soup from it.

Vegetable juices like carrot juice and fresh fruit juices like grape juice are also very helpful when you are trying to treat nephritis. Simply have a couple of glasses of these every day to help cure your nephritis problems.

Eating nine to ten ripe bananas per day has also been seen as a good natural remedy for nephritis. You may need to do this remedy for three to five days and you will need to drink a lot of water when you do this to help avoid constipation.

Nephritis Prevention Measures:

Since nephritis can also be caused by other ailments, you may try to avoid getting this problem by avoiding getting these ailments.

You can prevent yourself from getting these ailments by avoiding people you know who have any of these contagious diseases.

Another way for you to avoid nephritis is to live a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, proper diet, and ample rest.


What Is the Right Breakfast Cereal with CKD

Even if you don't have much time, a bowl of cereal with milk can give your body the energy boost you need to carry on with your busy day! But grocery store aisles are full of cereals with hidden salt, potassium and phosphorus. Picking the right ones can be difficult and time consuming.

Some good hot cereal choices include cream of wheat, Malt-o-Meal, grits, and even oatmeal a few times a week. (Stick with the cook and serve cereals instead of the higher sodium instant ones.) Many diet guides place oatmeal in the limit or avoid list because it does contain more phosphorus than the other hot cereals listed.

Our thinking on limiting whole grains is going through a shift currently. You see, in some foods that are naturally high in phosphorus, the phosphorus is bound as phytate and we do not break it down to release all the phosphorus during digestion. So a food naturally high in phosphorus may only contribute 40% to 60% of that phosphorus to the be absorbed into the bloodstream.

Phosphorus containing food additives are 90 to 100% absorbed into the bloodstream. Several ways to lower phosphorus is to avoid foods containing phosphate additives, prepare more meals at home with fresh ingredients, and limit fast foods and processed foods on restaurant menus. A recent review of chicken products found that many frozen chicken products contain 28% to 100% more phosphorus than fresh, unenhanced chicken.

So the next time you go shopping for cereal (or other foods as well), look for the amount of phosphorus on the label. It is not required , so if available the food manufacturer has added it voluntarily. In addition, look at the ingredient list and avoid products that have ‘phos’ food additives.

The reason for starting to pay attention to phosphorus as early as stage 3 chronic kidney disease is that there are already changes going on in the bones and in kidney regulation of phosphorus and parathyroid hormone (PTH). Research indicates there may be a benefit to keep bones healthier and even slow progression when phosphorus is limited to 800 to 1000 mg/day.

For ready-to-eat cereals look on the Nutrition Facts label and select the brands lowest in sodium and phosphorus. Lower sodium choices help with blood pressure control. Many cereals give the % Daily Value for phosphorus rather than milligrams. Try to go with those containing 10% DV or less. In general, cereals with added nuts or whole grain tend to have higher amounts of phosphorus.

Try milk and cereal options the next time you want to get a healthy start to your day.


How To Treat High Creatinine Level 5.3 In PKD Without Dialysis

How to treat PKD with creatinine 5.3 ? In general, after the patient’s creatinine level up to 5.3(especially when they suffering serious symptoms) they will be recommended to take dialysis. But in fact, they have no need to take dialysis at all, especially for PKD patient.

PKD signifies that there are many various cyst on both of kidneys. At the same time, the lesions will also effect the other organs,such as eyes,liver,pancreas, brain and blood vessels. Half about these patients may develop ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease) and need to do Kidney Dialysis or Kidney Transplant.It is natural that patients will feel renal pain because the larger and larger cysts have affected the kidney and cause pain. Besides,cysts make the reflection be easier, leading to the aching feeling as well.

How to Treat High Creatinine Level

In clinic, serum creatinine 5.3 belongs to stage 4 kidney disease. For patients who are in this stage, they still have some kidney functions, that is to say their kidneys haven’t goes failure totally. If they can take this chance and get proper treatment to protect the remaining kidney function they can get a chance to stop the progression of this disease, so they can live with this disease for a long time. If they are lucky enough and can repair some damaged kidney tissues, then they will improve their kidney function to some degree, until then, they can live a quality life without dialysis or renal transplant.

Compared with dialysis and some medicines, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy offers a better choice for PKD patients to remedy their impaired kidneys.

This treatment is a conservative therapy without pumping fluid or relieving pressure. The Chinese medicines in it are micronized into one thousandths of its original size. With the action of the microwave, the medicine will permeate into the renal lesions directly through the skin and channels. We use Micro-Chinese Medicine to expand blood vessels, speed up blood circulation on cysts walls, and improve the permeability of the cysts thus making the cysts shrink and decrease.

If you want to treat PKD without dialysis, you can send email to us or consult our doctor on WhatsApp directly, we will try our best to help you.

what is the effective way for proteinuria in Lupus Nephritis

Proteinuria in lupus nephritis brings patients much worry about their health. They may be so distressed by the difference from others and need some help. We have several effective treatments for proteinuria in lupus nephritis. Let’s learn one of the treatments now.


Due to the underlying cause of the disease is immune disorder, so, the core purpose of the method is to recover the normal function of immune system.

There are six steps in the therapy, they are immune diagnosis, immune blocking, immune clearance, immune tolerance, immune adjustment and immune protection. By the six steps, a normal immune system can be rebuilt, and the reoccurrence rate can be lowered effectively.

Immunotherapy can improve immunity by six steps:

1. Immune diagnose

The aim is to find toxic and harmful elements of specificity in the kidney. This is the base of later treatment.

2. Immune clear

To excrete circulating immune complexes in blood and other toxic and harmful elements out by blood purification technique.

3. Immune blocking

To block the aggressive inflammatory responses in kidney area through all kinds of immunosuppressive drugs.

4. Immune tolerance

To make coexisting of renal cells and immune complexes by continuously resisting aggressive inflammatory responses.

5. Immune adjustment

To repair inherent immune system and eliminate immune complexes by promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis.

6. Immune protecting

To repair and rebuild inherent immune system by Yiqi health and cell treatments.

In addition, lupus nephritis patients should avoid coffee, chocolate, spicy, cold foods so as to reduce the stimulation to kidneys. They should also quit smoking and drinking, keep a healthy lifestyle. Some physical exercises are also necessary, such as yoga, Tai Chi, walking, jogging and so on.


Why Does Proteinuria Still Exist In IgA Nephropathy

Proteinuria is very commonly experienced for patients with IgA Nephropathy. Besides, they often suffer from relapse of IgA Nephropathy. How does this happen and what is the major treatment to deal with proteinuria with IgA Nephropathy?
Why patients with IgA Nephropathy have protein in urine?

IgA Nephropathy occurs when IgA proteins which is used to fight against infections from outside build up in blood. When too much IgA proteins build up in your blood, blood circulation would be affected by the accumulation of immune complexes. As a result, kidney cells and tissues are damaged gradually by the deposition of immune complexes. Therefore, the kidneys are less able to fulfill its function properly. The kidneys are unable to keep useful substances, such as red blood cells and proteins keep in blood and can not excrete these wastes products out of body. Besides, lots of IgA proteins build up in the kidneys, damaging intercapillary cells and epithelial Cells. As a result, the epithelial cell is damaged, making you experience proteinuria. Do you still have doubt about why IgA Nephropathy patients have protein in urine.

Proteinuria And Hematuria In IgA Nephropathy Is Reduced In Our Hospital

While, how can I prevent proteinuria with IgA Nephropathy?

Generally, steroids treatment is commonly experienced for patients to prevent protein from leaking into urine. However, although steroids can control proteinuria temporarily, it makes patient’s kidney function in the long run. Besides, patients also experience much more serious proteinuria, because the diseased cells and tissues still right there.

Immunotherapy for Foamy Urine In IgA Nephropathy

In China, in order to help patients deal with kidney disease and avoid steroids treatment, many renal experts work together for a longer term and then develop a natural treatment named as Immunotherapy.

Immunotherapy includes accurate diagnosis, immune clearance, immune blocking, immune tolerance, immune regulation and immune protection. By taking this treatment, sufficient nutrition and enough blood and oxygen also can be provided to repair the diseased cells and tissues, so as to recover their function. As long as the diseased kidney is recovered, proteinuria would be relived naturally and gradually and you do not suffer from the relapse of proteinuria.

Are you still suffering from proteinuria, right now? Do you want to receive a treatment to relive it? Please send your present your condition to 1411835675@qq.com. The renal doctor will analyze your illness condition accurately and then reply you as soon as possible.


Effective Treatment for Kidney Disease with Creatinine 7.5

My mother in-low is a kidney failure patient and her creatinine level has up to 7.5, can you recommend some effective treatments for us?

Is there any treatment for kidney disease with creatinine 7.5?

As we mentioned above, there are some treatments in our days can be the good treatment for patient with creatinine 7.5. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as one of the innovation of traditional Chinese Herb Medicine it is one of the best effective one. It can help the patient lower the high creatinine level by improving the kidney function.

Alternative Therapy To High Creatinine Level 6.6

In most cases, dialysis often makes patients experience a lot of poisoning symptoms. However, patients with dialysis often displayed symptoms of headache, muscle cramping and fatigue. What is worse, dialysis is not a fundamental way to reduce high creatinine level and alleviate some poisoning symptoms. It is a procedure to remove a lot of wastes products and toxic substances out of body. You still experience high creatinine level and severe swelling problem as long as dialysis is stopped.

How To Decrease High Creatinine Level 4.0 Without Dialysis

What treatment can be the effective treatment for kidney failure with creatinine 7.5?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmtherapy as one of the innovation of Traditional Chinese Herb Medicine, it can improve the kidney function by repairing the damage kidney tissues and protect the remaining ones from further damage, so it can be the good choice for people who want to lower the high creatinine level.

Interventional Therapy as the latest therapies of kidney disease, it also have significant effect in improving kidney function. It put a Micro-catheter into the vessels of kidney under the construction of image documentation equipment, after the catheter is settled in, doctors will inject some unique medicines or set some holders into the kidneys though it. In such a way to repair the congenital malformation of kidney, improve the Kidney Nerve Disease, solve the kidney disease from its lesions directly and solve other kidney problems from its underlying causes.


Serious Hair Loss for Patients with Nephrotic Syndrome

Hi, someone told me that if you have problems with your kidneys ,it could lead to problems with your hair.

If they did blood tests, they probably would have done a complete blood count which would have showed her BUN and creatinine to be elevated. An elevated BUN with a normal creainine usually just means dehydration, but if the creatinine is elevated, there are usually kidney problems. Creatinine is the byproduct of muscle breakdown that should be excreted in the urine...if kidneys aren't working it is not excreted and stays in the blood.

Free Online Doctor can help you know more about your disease condition or our treatments directly and quickly.

Hair loss is not rare in children with Nephrotic Syndrome. There are mainly 2 reasons of this symptom. The first one is malnutrition. In fact, most of sick children are affected by this problem, but it is more serious for a kid with Nephrotic Syndrome. The other cause is the intake of glucocorticoids. In clinic, glucocorticoids can control children’s renal injury and relieve their symptoms well. However, the side affects of long-term medicine intake is considerable, which damages kid’s original health.
So to choose another effective therapy is important for kids to rescue their kidneys and reduce the pain.Conservative therapy is more suitable for children’s health and safety. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy should be taken to remedy the fundamental renal injury and save the renal function as far as possible.

As an external application of Chinese Medicine, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has zero side affects to adjust microcirculation, improve renal internal environment and remedy the renal lesions fundamentally. It is best choice protect a sick child.


How Does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Treat Proteinuria In Nephrotic Syndrome

Hi doctor, how we can treat for Kidney proteinuria in Nephrotic Syndrome. The person is male and there is very lose of protein in urination. How we can treat for this?


Nephrotic syndrome isn’t a disease but a warning that something is damaging your kidneys. If left untreated, that problem could cause Kidney failure. So it’s important to get treatment right away. Patients may suffer from some clinical symptoms like proteinuria and swelling. Steroid can help patients reduce proteinuria and slow down the progression of illness condition. The deficiency of the medicine is that it will cause some side effects to patients. As a result, more and more patients tend to Chinese medicine treatments.

he patient has Nephrotic Syndrome with edema in legs and proteinuria is very serious in daily life. Under the guidance, he came to our hospital from Pakistan for treatment.

Chinese Medicine Treatments Prevent Relapse of Proteinuria In Nephrotic Syndrome


This therapy has been proven to be effective to help patients slow down the progression and improve their kidney function. It is an external application therapy that patients lie on the bed comfortably to finish the whole treatment process. With the help of osmotic machine, the active substances of herbs will permeate into the kidney lesion directly. At the same time, enough blood, oxygen and nutrients can be spread in the kidneys to stimulate the kidney self-healing.

Proteinuria Is Negative In Nephrotic Syndrome

It can be used combined with other treatments, including Medicated Bath, Foot Bath Therapy, Moxibustion therapy, Acupuncture Therapy, Acupuncture Therapy, etc.

Do you have any doubt about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy? If you want to know more details about natural therapies, please leave a message in the below form or email medical reports and phone number to us. We will do utmost to help you.


Diet for Nephrotic Syndrome With Proteinuria

Proper meal plans can slow the progression to kidney failure, so choose what to eat is very important for kidney disease patients. Here is a meal plan for Nephrotic Syndrome.

Appropriate protein intake

It is necessary for a Nephrotic Syndrome patient to pay attention to his protein intake, as both low protein intake and high protein intake are harmful. High protein intake will worsen kidney condition and low protein intake may affect physical condition, so founding out how much protein to ingest everyday is very important for Nephrotic Syndrome.

Besides, patients are suggested to take high quality protein food, which has few metabolites, such as:
- Egg white
- Fish
- Milk
- Lean meat
- Pulses

Low salt diet

Low salt diet not only helps to lower kidney burden, but also plays an important part in lowering blood pressure and remitting swelling symptom. Therefore, remember to add less salt while cooking. Also, try to avoid various salted foods and sauces.

Fat or cholesterol intake

Because patients with Nephrotic Syndrome have the symptom of hyperlipidemia, it is necessary to control the intake of fat or cholesterol. Therefore, the following foods should be avoided:

Fried foods such as French fries, cookies and crackers
Processed meat such as sausages and lamb
Fast foods that include cheese hamburger
Seafood such as lobsters and oil packed fish
Dairy products like ice-cream, cheese, margarine and butter

However, you can choose some foods that contain rich omega-3 fatty acids, such as:

- Flaxseed
- Canola oil
- Olive oil
- Soy nuts
- Walnuts

A good diet plan is very beneficial for bringing Nephrotic Syndrome into control, so please follow on the above principles strictly if you are a patient with Nephrotic Syndrome.


Why Does Proteinuria Still Appear In Nephrotic Syndrome

People with Nephrotic Syndrome often suffer from excess proteinuria. While seeking a cure for these symptoms, patients need to firstly find the root reason why these conditions appear. Read on to learn more about this.

Proteinuria is also very common in patients with Kidney Disease. Kidneys work to filter the blood and cleanse out the waste products and excessive water in the blood, but keep the useful substances, such as protein, in the body.

However, when patients are damaged by the nephrotic syndrome, the failed kidneys will not function well enough to keep the proteins, causing protein loss in the urine, or we call it proteinuria.

Treatment for Protein 2+ and Swelling In Nephrotic Syndrome

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can remove the immune complex and damaged tissues deposited on the basement membrane and at the same time repair the damaged basement membrane. It can also activate immune system of the human body, promote the metabolism and repair and improve internal environment of the body. Therefore, Nephrotic Syndrome symptoms like proteinuria and hyperlipidemia are not easy to recur after being cured. Micro-Chinese Medicine is a kind of external application on the back. It is not oral taking medicine, so it will not influence the digestive tract.

It uses natural herbs to alleviate the symptoms and repair the damaged kidney tissues by suppling the damaged cells and tissues with more blood and oxygen. As long as the kidney function can be improved, surely, the symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome will be relieved spontaneously.

Radical Therapy Replaces Steroids for Nephrotic Syndrome

“Hello, dr. I was diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome last year. My doctor prescribed some steroids for me to control the condition. Bad news is that once I reduced the dose, it will occur again. Is there radical therapy replaces steroids?”

Usually, steroids can help relieve the symptoms like protein in urine and swelling of the body within short time. Then, children will go into remission. Unfortunately, the disease often relapses easily after kids getting an infection or catching a cold.
Meanwhile, they may show serious adverse effects from the medications including puffiness in the face (moon face) and abdomen, weight gain, mood swings, poor wound healing, stunted growth, calcium loss from the bones, etc.

In Nephrotic Syndrome, your kidney tissues and cells are damaged already. Thus the proper treatment we take should focus on repairing the kidney damage and improve renal function.

In China, our hospital uses TCM treatments for Nephrotic Syndrome, which is effective and radical. The following are some representative therapies of our hospital:

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

It is applied externally without side effects. The Chinese medicines are micronized into powder and are put into two bags. Patients lie on the two medicated bags comfortably. The active materials can enter into kidney lesion directly with the help of osmotic machine to dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, and degradation. Gradually these damaged kidney tissues can be repaired well and kidney function can be improved.

Medicated Bath

This therapy can play the medicine effects on patient's whole body. Patients immerse in the hot water with Chinese herbs about 30 minutes. These toxins and wastes in the blood can be discharged effectively via skin of the whole body. In this way, it can provide a good condition for the further medication application.

Other natural treatments

There are also other Chinese treatments, like Foot Bath Therapy, Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy, Acupuncture Therapy, etc. We will choose the suitable therapies for you according to your condition.

You can get rid of steroids with Chinese medicine treatments after a period of time. If you want to change your current treatment and try TCM therapy, you can leave a message in the below form or email to us. Good luck!


Why Does Swelling Relapse Frequently In Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome relapses easily, and even can be caused by a mild cold. well, why Nephropathy Nephropathy relapses frequently? And how to prevent the relapse of Nephrotic Syndrome?

Nephrotic syndrome is a common kidney disorder, which will cause the kidney damage. The clinical manifestation of nephrotic syndrome include: a large amount of proteinuria, severe swelling, hyperlipidemia and hypoproteinemia. All these symptoms are caused by the kidney damage and the reduced kidney function, and the symptoms will worsen the kidney function in turn. Therefore, it is particularly important for patients to control their symptoms.

Why Does Proteinuria Ralapse Frequently In Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome can be divided into primary and secondary, and most of nephrotic syndrome are caused by inflammation. When people have abnormal or poor immune system, the antigen invade our body easily, and combine with antibody, which will cause the formation of immune complexes. With the circulation of blood, these immune complexes may lodge in kidney, then inflammation will occur, which will defeat the immune complexes and also damage the kidney tissues.
For children with nephrotic syndrome, they are recommended to use immunosuppressive agents to block inflammation, which can control their symptoms and illness effectively. However, as the children often have poor immune system, they may get infection or inflammation easily, which will also cause the nephrotic syndrome relapse easily. On the other hand, if they stop taking medicines or reduce medicine dose, the nephrotic syndrome will also relapse easily.

Risk Factors For Relapse In Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome

For Nephrotic Syndrome patients, their illness condition repeats frequently, because immune complexes in their kidney are not removed and their immune system are not normalized. Without strong and normal immune system, more and more immune complexes are formed and deposit in kidney, leading to the repeat occurrence of inflammation. Therefore, if Nephrotic Syndrome patients want to avoid relapse radically, aside from controlling symptoms and adjusting diet, they also need to normalize their immune system, improve their immunity and remove immune complexes that have deposited in the kidney. Only in this way, can inflammation and relapse of Nephrotic Syndrome be prevented effectively.


how to treat kidney failure With Toxin-Removing Treatment

Kidney is an important organ for filtrating the toxins and wastes out of the blood, which deposition in the blood will cause to the further kidney damage. However it is a disease that can not be found by us easily, what symptoms does kidney failure have and how to treat it?

What is Toxin-Removing Treatment?

Toxin-Removing Therapy is a kind of Chinese medicine which can treat patients from the root. It makes use of the herbs which are selected up based on patients’ illness conditions to enlarge the blood vessels, dissolve the blood stasis, promote the blood circulation, and stimulate the sweating and so on. Therefore, the unwanted matters will be carried out by other ways. Besides, the treatment not only filter the blood, but also clean up the toxins in the cells. As a result, a rewarding environment will appear, and the kidney will begin to recover in this case. When the kidney is restored, the patients will return to healthy.

After years of kidney failure, the major cause of kidney disease is that there are many toxins and wastes deposited in the kidney, which will damage the kidney function and it will counteract the effects of medicine. So aiming at this condition, we have researched many kinds of toxin-removing treatment such as foot bath, medicated bath, circle therapy and so on. All these therapies have the functions of dilating the blood vessels, improving blood circulation, and finally achieving the goal of removing the toxins and wastes, then we will use some medicine to save kidney, through this way, we can make medicine take full effects.

If you want to gain more information about Toxin-Removing Therapy to kidney failure, please leave a message below or send an e-mail to 1411835675@qq.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.


Is Mango OK For CKD Patients

Mango is a popular fruit among people, with its good reputation the king of tropical fruit. Mango is loved by many people, even for chronic kidney disease patients. However, is mango good for chronic kidney failure patients? This is a common question for CKD patients, as they need to restrict their daily diet.

Because the kidneys can’t work normally in renal failure, patients are usually weaker and have lower immunity than the general population. Mango contains rich carotene and vitamin C, and both of these two nutrition have a great benefit of regulating patients’ immune system and improving their immunity. In addition, vitamin C can also help protect the remaining kidney function and increase the rate of kidney filtering wastes.

Are Figs Good For Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

If the patients still have enough urine, mango’s diuretic function can also increase patients’ urine amount so that more waste products can be discharged from the body to control patients’ condition. It is reported that the nucleus of mango can be used as medicine to lower high blood pressure and help remove more toxins from the body.

What Foods Are For Kidney Patients With Anemia

1. Improve the immunity

For kidney failure patients, their kidneys are damaged with their kidney function gradually reduced, the CKD patients will become weaker and weaker. With their poor immunity, they will suffer from some serious symptoms, mango will help them to improve their immunity. As mango contains rich carotene and vitamin C, the two nutrition can help regulate the immune system and improve the immunity. Besides, vitamin C can also help patients to protect their residual kidney function.

2. A natural diuretic

Mango is also a natural diuretic, which can be helpful for CKD patients who still have urination. Mango can help increase the urine output, and help remove more wastes from body.

3. Lower high blood pressure

Mango contains nucleus, which can be used as a medicine to help lower high blood pressure. Meanwhile, nucleus can also help remove the wastes from the body.
Does the above content mean mango is good for all people with kidney failure? Unfortunately, the answer is not, because mango also contains many other nutrition that are not suitable for some people.

From above we can know, although mango has benefits for CKD patients, but it doesn’t mean all the kidney patients can eat mango, because some patients eat mango may also cause kidney damage. Therefore, for chronic kidney disease patients, they need to eat mango depending on their illness condition, so it is better for them to ask the advice of their doctors before they eat something.

Are Grapes Good for Kidney Patients

Generally, people with Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) are suggested to follow a strict diet. Well, can they eat grapes?

While grapes are loaded with health benefits ranging from skin care to heart health, they are also extremely good for your kidneys. A Tunisian research study published in Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism states that compounds in grape seed and skin extract have been found to reverse kidney damage.

Particularly exciting is the fact that grapes are seen to have a key role in treating kidney disease that is induced by high-fat diets, which are one of the most common causes of kidney problems. Researchers hope that with these findings, grape seed and skins may become recommended as a preventative supplement to patients at high risk of obesity-induced kidney disease.

Grapes And Kidney Disease

What makes grapes such a powerful kidney-caring fruit? Scientists who led the study explain that each part of the grape is a concentrated source of antioxidants, which protect the body against the damaging effects of oxidative stress and neutralize cell-killing free radicals.

Are Green Seedless Grapes Good For People With Kidney Disease

In addition, grapes are also good for bone health and immune system. However, even if this fruit has the above benefits, it is necessary to cooperate with your nephrologists actively. Any help? Our free Online Service will be here for you.

Except for dietary tips, experts at our Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine also provide patients with a number of systematic therapies like hot compress therapy, blood-purification technique, enema therapy, etc to fight chronic kidney disease, if you are interested in this, please send us your test report to 1411835675@qq.com and we will try our best to reply you as early as possible.


how To Lower High Creatinine Treatment 2.3mg/dL

All patients with kidney disease are familiar with creatine level. When it is higher than normal level, it indicates kidney damage. What does creatinine 2.3 mean? Is is serious?

What does creatinine 2.3 mean?

Creatinine is the byproduct of muscle and normally is filtered out of body by kidneys. Therefore, the creatinine can keep at a constant level in right condition. However, in kidney disease, if the nephrons are impaired extensively, the kidneys will fail to remove the metabolic wastes from body adequately, thus resulting in high creatinine level.

Clinical studies show that creatinine level begins to increase when about a half of kidney tissues are injured. Therefore, although creatinine 2.3 is not very high, but it means kidney function has been impaired severely.

Food And Water Intake for Creatinine 2.3mg/dL

How to reduce creatinine 2.3 in kidney disease?

1. Well-planed diet

A well-planed diet is an important part in the treatment for creatinine 2.3. In reality, for patients whose creatinine level has been elevated to 2.1, they generally need to limit protein intake, reduce salt intake and stay far away from high potassium foods and high phosphorus foods. In addition, if they have swelling, they also need to limit fluid intake.

2. To Restore kidney function

creatinine level increases as impaired kidney fail to excrete excess creatinine in the body, so repairing kidney damages to restore kidney function is the basic for the decrease of creatinine 2.3.

3. To form a Healthy life style

A healthy life style refers to regular bed time, regular physical exercises and quitting of smoking and drinking alcohol.

4. To prevention cold and infection

Cold and infection are the leading two causes of relapse of kidney disease and increase of creatinine level, so it is very necessary for kidney disease patients to prevent cold and infection.

In fact, they reverse the reasons and outcome completely. Creatinine itself is not toxic at all and it is just a sign of kidney damage severity. Reducing creatinine level should not be the treatment goal. As creatinine results from reduced renal function, the treatment goal should be restoring impaired kidney structure and improving renal function. If the kidneys are restored very well and recover the filtering function, the accumulated toxins and creatinine will be filtered by kidneys gradually. Thereby, creatinine level will reduce completely.


At What Creatinine Level Dialysis Is Necessary

Dialysis is necessary for kidney failure patients when their creatinine value increases to a certain level. However, at what level of creatinine, dialysis is required?

The poor kidney function makes the wastes, toxins and excess fluid accumulate in the body, the creatinine level increases. No matter how much the level of creatinine exceeds the normal level, we will say the condition has become severe. That is because our kidneys have very strong compensatory ability, the creatinine level will not increase until more than 50% of kidney function has been lost, you should note we have left out the dietary influence on the level of creatinine here. In general, patients from America or some European countries take dialysis treatment earlier.
In theory, dialysis is required when creatinine increases to 5, as creatinine 5 means the toxins in the blood has caused serious threatening to our internal organs. However, in fact, many patients do not start dialysis at all even if their creatinine value has increased to a very high level.

Highest Creatinine Level before Dialysis is Required

While we have to say that the level of creatinine has no direct relationship with dialysis. Only a creatinine level is not enough to decide whether dialysis is needed or not. In China, dialysis will be recommended when the creatinine level has increased to about 707umol/L. However, nothing is absolute in this world. We see in the clinical that some cases have not started dialysis even though their creatinine level has already reached 1000umol/L, while some cases have already begun dialysis when their creatinine levels are not that high. In Europe, 18% of Renal Failure patients begin dialysis when GFR level is less than 10ml/min, and 34% when GFR level is less than 5ml/min. In America, 23%-35% of patients take dialysis when GFR level is less than 5ml/min. If kidney disease patients have severe swelling, difficult in breathing, nausea and vomiting and other complications which make them feel not very well or can be life-threatening, then dialysis should be started. Dialysis really can help patients lower the creatinine level and treat some symptoms, however, For Renal Failure Patients, Dialysis Is Not A Long Plan for The Future.

Different people have different opinions toward this topic and kidney failure patients have their own right to decide when they will start dialysis. If you have a very high creatinine and no serious complications, you can live without dialysis, but once your toxins in the blood brings you discomforts like itching skin, nausea and vomit and so on, please start dialysis as early as possible, because these symptoms indicate toxins in tour blood is affecting your other internal organs.


Is Capsicum Good for High Creatinine Level

Capsicum is also known as bell pepper. It can not only be used as cook ingredients, but also medicine. Is capsicum good for high creatinine level in kidneys? The answer may be found in the following.

Effects of red peppers on reducing creatinine

Firstly, red peppers are abundant in lycopene, an antioxidant that antioxidants that can help rid the body of free radicals and inflammations. This can make the blood stream fluent so as to increase the discharge of excessive creatinine.

Secondly, kidney disease patients are always required to take low potassium intake. Red peppers are low in potassium and high in favor, so it is a good choice for people with high creatinine as it won’t burden the kidneys. However, its benefits are more than this. This tasty vegetable are also an excellent source of vitamin C, A, B6, folic acid and fiber. These minerals are good for the kidneys to repair themselves. This can help reduce high creatinine indirectly.

Thirdly, bell pepper has an effect on stimulating the secretion of saliva and gastric juice, thus improving patients’appetite. This can help them absorb more nutritions for the body so that the kidneys can be repaired.

3. Heart disease

Blood circulation can be promoted, improving anemia and anoxia in heart. In this way, patients with high creatinine level can eat some capsicum to prevent heart disease.

Is Capsicum Good for High Creatinine Level in Kidneys

4. Blood sugar

In addition, it has good effects on lowering blood sugar. Thus, high blood pressure can be inhibited very effectively. For patients with high creatinine level, high blood pressure is very common.

5. Enhance immunity

Due to much nutrition in capsicum like vitamins, immunity can be enhanced very well, preventing further damage. In this way, high creatinine level can be alleviated, too.

Other than red peppers, cucumber, lemon, cinnamon and turmeric are all good spices for reducing creatinine. You can take right amount consulting your doctor. Our online doctors are also glad to provide you with free help. Please do not hesitate to contact us.


Is it Good for Kidney Failure Patients to Eat Litchis

The litchi is a tropical and subtropical fruit tree native to the Guangdong and Fujian provinces of China,and now cultivated in many parts of the world. The fresh fruit has a "delicate, whitish pulp" with a floral smell and a fragrant, sweet flavor. Since this perfume-like flavor is lost in the process of canning, the fruit is usually eaten fresh. It is eaten in many different dessert dishes, and are especially popular in China, throughout Southeast Asia, along with South Asia and parts of Southern Africa. Then,is it good for patients with Kidney Failure patients to eat litchis?

Litchi has high popularity among people, especially for patients. Litchi fruit also has many benefits that can help Chronic Kidney Disease.

Increase immunity

Litchi is the source of vitamins especially vitamin C. Vitamin C helps patients improve immunity to fight against infectious agents and scavenge harmful substance. Vitamin C is good for our skin, tissues, and bones. Besides, Litchi also aids in digestion to get the utmost nutrition for the body. Furthermore, Litchi also contains lots of Vitamin B that help the body to reduce protein, metabolize carbohydrates and fats. It also can improve the function of liver and other organs.

How Can The Litchi Fruit Help Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 4

Prevent high blood pressure

A research revealed that antioxidants foods can help lower high blood pressure and litchi contains abundant antioxidants. Litchi also contains a great amount of potassium that can maintain sodium and it can help to lower high blood pressure and reduce the possibility to get stroke and heart attack. But if you have high level potassium, you should limit the intake of litchi.

Prevent heart disease

Litchi is rich in dietary fiber that can improve cardiovascular health by provided enough nutrition. Litchi has been proved to reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol, thus it improves blood flow and reduces the risk of heart disease and hypertension. Litchi also contains plentiful Oligonol that rises blood circulation, decreases post exercise exhaustion.

But in fact,litchi is not good for Kidney Failure patients. High sugar in it will increase the renal burden or even worsen their kidney damage. Besides,in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine),litchi is hot in nature,so too much intake of it may cause inflammation. For patients with Kidney Failure,it is not suitable for them to eat.

Is Papaya Good for Chronic Kidney Failure Patients

Is papaya good for Chronic Kidney Failure patients? Papaya is famous for its property of beauty, but in fact, it has many other health benefits. For people with kidney failure, whether they can consume papaya depends on the nutrition within papaya and their illness condition.

What benefits does papaya have to people?

1. Improve immunity

Papaya is proved to have the function of improving our immunity. Because it contains much water, carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins and rich useful mineral elements, which can supply our needs and enhance our immunity.

2. Keep digestive health

Papaya can help us digest, because papain can promote breaking down proteins and clean the digestive tract.

3. Prevent infections

Papaya can kill intestinal worms effectively, thus, eating it can avoid infections.

4. Lose weight

Papaya is a natural food that can help us loose weight. At noon or night, eating a bowl full of papaya after meal is good for us.

5. Skin care

Papaya protease can kill dead cells and purify the skin, and the most of important is that it can treat sunburn and irritated skin. So many women make mask by themselves taking papaya as row material.

When should kidney failure patients avoid papaya?

With the decline of kidney function, more and more kidney failure symptoms or complications will appear. If these patients have the following problems, they may need to stay away from this fruit.

- High potassium level

- No urine output

- Low blood pressure during dialysis treatment

- Pain during urination

Some other conditions may also restrict the amount of papaya consumption. To eat it safely and healthily, you can ask help from kidney dietitian here. Leave a message below or send email to 1411835675@qq.com. Either is OK.

If you send us email, please leave your phone number or WhatsApp/Viber (with country code) in email so that our renal expert can communicate with you timely and directly. We will do utmost to help you solve the problems.


Can Kidney Patients Drink Almond Milk

Almond milk is one of the important milk substitutes that made from ground almonds. It has many health benefits and is deeply loved by many people. However, for kidney failure patients, because of their special illness condition, they need to be extremely cautions about foods they eat, as improper diet will worsen their illness. Duet o the restrict dietary principles, many kidney failure patients wonder if they can have almond milk.

Almond is rich in protein, fat, sugar and vitamin, which is beneficial for our human. It can reduce the cholesterol and plays an important role in preventing the CVD (Cardiovascular Disorder). In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), it is commonly used to help patients with lung dryness and breath with cough. Based on the latest research results of America, people with high cholesterol, the intake of almond can reduce it and protect the heart health. Really, it really reduce the risk of Heart Disease to some extent.

So is it means that almond milk good for Kidney Failure patients?

1. Almond milk is high in vitamin

Almond milk does taste like milk and it has its own unique flavor: light, nutty and crisp with high levels of vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and so on. For kidney failure patients, because of strict dietary limitation, they may not ingest enough vitamin, so drinking almond milk will help them to replenish vitamin.

2. Almond milk is rich in minerals

Aside from abundant vitamin, almond milk also is rich in minerals like calcium and potassium. Kidney failure patients suffer from low calcium in blood which may bring them various bone problems like bone pain and bone fracture. Therefore, for some kidney failure patients, they can drink some almond milk.

3. Compared with milk and soy milk, almond milk is low in protein

Kidney failure patients need to limit protein intake as high protein intake will increase kidney burden and worsen proteinuria symptom, which can lead to the acute progression of kidney disease. Therefore, to protect residual kidney function, limiting protein intake is necessary. In this light, kidney failure patients can have almond milk.

4. Almond milk is rich in potassium

Although almond milk has many health benefits, not everyone with kidney failure can drink almond milk. We know there are different kinds of kidney problem like Polycystic Kidney Disease, IgA Nephropathy, Diabetic Nephropathy, Hypertensive Nephropathy and Nephrotic Syndrome and so on. Among these kidney problems, some of them will bring patients high potassium level and in such a condition, patients need to limit potassium intake. Therefore, for kidney failure patients who have high potassium level in blood, drinking less almond milk is necessary.

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