
Dietary Nursing For Acute Kidney Failure Patients

What are dietary nursing ways for acute kidney failure patients? Apart from adopting formal therapy, diet management is also necessary. Diet is the source of nutrient supply and plays an indispensable condition for the body’s growth and development. However, improper diet is deadly and is one of the pathogenic factors. Patients in different stage of illness condition have different diet suggestion. The following is what kidney failure patients should pay attention to.
1. Low sodium intake
Acute renal failure patients associated with edema and hypertension, should be low salt (<3g / d) diet, severe edema oliguria, should limit the amount of water and potassium foods (longan, white fungus, sesame, etc. ).
2. Proper protein intake
acute renal failure patients before dialysis, should be given a low-protein diet to reduce the sources of metabolites (blood urea nitrogen), reduce the burden on the kidneys, slowing the rate of deterioration of renal function. Protein intake should be adjusted according to a reasonable degree of renal function impairment. When the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) drops 50ml / min or less should be adequate protein restriction (0.6g / kg), to meet the basic needs of the body's physiology, but not malnutrition. GFR <10ml / min, which is uremia, protein should be strictly limited to 20g / d, GFR> 20ml / min, could add 5g / d. And require more than 60 percent for high-quality protein, essential amino acids that contain animal protein, such as eggs, milk, meat and so on. In order to prevent low-protein malnutrition caused, can be added with the required amino acids and mixed preparation α- keto, α- keto itself does not contain nitrogen, and ammonia in the body of essential amino acids to the corresponding binding (EAA), EAA synthesis protein process, you can use part of the urea, it can reduce blood urea nitrogen levels and improve symptoms of uremia.
3. High calorie intake
Adequate intake of carbohydrates, fats supply the body sufficient heat to provide heat to prevent the decomposition of proteins, reducing the consumption of protein. For adequate intake of calories, you can eat more margarine, vegetable oil and sugar. Food should be rich in vitamin B, C, folic acid, may also be given oral tablet.
4. Limited phosphorus intake
Acute renal failure patients often have high phosphorus, hypocalcemia, easily leading to renal osteodystrophy, so they should be take limited phosphorus diet (containing 15mg of protein per gram of phosphorus, so limiting the intake of protein also limits the intake of phosphorus) and the use of intestinal phosphate binders. It should be added calcium, every day should be added to 1000 ~ 1500mg, such as calcium carbonate, calcium can either correct the acidosis, it is phosphorus binders.

For your own health and happiness of the family, kidney failure patients should choose a formal and professional hospital to treat their disease.

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