
What Is The DietTreatment For High Creatinine Level

Creatinine is a waste product which is usually excreted by kidneys. Serum creatinine level is an important indicator of kidney function. High creatinine level is usually related with kidney dysfunction. What is the treatment for high creatinine level?
When kidneys fail to work properly, creatinine level increases in the body. Besides medication, food also plays an important role in controlling creatinine. Patients should pay attention to some foods when creatinine level is high. Here is a brief introduction in daily life. Hope you can follow it.
1. Pat attention to protein intake
Meat contains high creatine which can increase the level of creatinine. Patients with high creatinine had better not eat too much meat. Protein-rich food such as fish, eggs, poultry, red meat should be avoided. Because creatine is found mainly in such high protein foods. Creatine can be broken into creatinine. However, protein is an essential substance for our body, so we should take in proper high quality protein, which contains eight kinds of amino acid that can not be compounded by ourselves, like fish, lean meat, milk, egg white, etc. How much protein should take depends on our state of illness. Generally speaking, 0.6g per day is suggested. If you are vegetarian, I suggest you take two egg whites per day.
2. Foods with low sodium
Reduce the intake of sodium. Kidney’s damage results in excessive fluid and sodium building up in the body, and much sodium can cause patient to have high blood pressure and edema, so patient should choose foods that contain less sodium in his diet. Patients need to avoid salty foods, like pickles, bacon, potato soup, cheese sauce, etc.
3. Foods with high potassium and phosphorous
For patients whose creatinine level is high, their kidneys can not filter potassium and phosphorous out of body. If there is much potassium in patients’ body, patients should stay away from high potassium foods, for example: spinach, carrot, banana and orange. If patients with kidney failure suffer from hyperphosphatemia, they can not eat nut, red chili powder, chocolate, cheese, yellow bean, gingili. They need to eat foods contained high calcium, like meaty bone, tofu and dried small shrimps.
4. Foods containing much vitamins--vegetables and fruits
Vitamin is important for body function, for example, vitamin A is very important for our immunity, so it is very important for patient with high creatinine to take foods that contain abundant vitamins, like vegetables and fruits.
5. Foods that contains abundant calcium
Patients with kidney disease often have the shortage of calcium, which can cause severe renal osteopathy, so it is important for patient to take foods that can supply abundant calcium, like broccoli, blackberry, date fruit, etc.
6. Caffeine, alcoholic and carbonated beverages
Many people enjoy caffeine, alcoholic and carbonated beverages. Once your creatinine level elevates, you should avoid them, because they have a diuretic effect and may cause dehydration which in turn leads to elevated high creatinine. Fresh fruit juice and herbal tea are recommended.
7. Water
It is worth mentioning that patient with high creatinine and BUN should take much water if only patient do not have obvious edema, because water is good for patient’s kidney health.
8. Avoid doing strenuous physical activity.
Strenuous exercise can produce more creatinine and increase the level of creatinine.

Hope the information can help you live a healthy life.

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