
Hematuria in IgA Nephropathy: Causes And Management

IgA Nephropathy will lead to many complications and hematuria is just one of these. Well, what is cause and management of IgA Nephropathy hematuria?
How does IgA Nephropathy cause hematuria?
In normal case, red blood cells are kept in our body with blood flow. However, in this immune-system mediated disease, the filtering units named glomeruli are injured. As a result, red blood cells can leak into urine easily, resulting in hematuria.
In addition, according to the statistics, about 30%-40% IgA Nephropathy patients have gross hematuria.
How to manage hematuria in IgA Nephropathy?
At our center, experts in this field point out that methods should be taken to repair the injured glomeruli and improve kidney function. Traditional Chinese medicine has more than 5000 years of history and it can be used to treat many conditions, here, a brand new form of TCM is highly recommended. By extending blood vessels, blocking inflammatory reaction, preventing coagulation, degrading extracellular matrixes and providing nutrients for the kidneys, the damaged glomeruli can be repaired and kidney function improved. In this way, red blood cells can be stopped from leaking into urine from the root cause.

For IgA Nephropathy patients, occurrence of hematuria and other symptoms is caused by injured kidney tissues and impaired kidney function. Therefore, only when kidney damages are repaired, can impaired kidney function be restored. Also, can hematuria and other symptoms be relieved effectively.

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