
How To Reduce Creatinine Level In Uremia

How to reduce high creatinine level in uremia patients? All the time, how to reduce serum creatinine, is an issue of great concern to uremic patients, serum creatinine is an important indicator of high uremic patients in laboratory tests. Experts in Shi Jiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital tell you how to decrease creatinine level in uremia.
But Western medicine is different, most of the patients with elevated serum creatinine, renal insufficiency even if the first two phases, only accompanied by increased serum creatinine, no other complications, doctors often sentenced to death, to open some detox drugs, so go home and wait dialysis. Some uremic patients taking some drugs or dialysis, serum creatinine temporary decline, but drugs or kidney dialysis approach is only with the help of detoxification, it can not be repaired you restore kidney function, can not help you cut the disease process, and certainly not by activation of residual renal units increased their detoxification ability.
How to reduce the problem of high creatinine uremic patients? Abandon western medicine, steering Integrative Medicine. Shi Jiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital stressed that everyone knows Western medicine is a headache medicine head gap measures, and now can not simply measure serum creatinine, while the cause must be starting from the onset of a step by step treatment. First directed to ischemia, hypoxia, were sources of corruption, vasodilator therapy, increased local metabolism, promote blood circulation flow.
Of course, it is not enough merely to eliminate toxins, consider why we have to generate immune complexes? Cause that renal ischemia, hypoxia caused by kidney inflammation. Various causes ischemia and hypoxia, kidney damage vascular endothelial cells, thereby attracting inflammatory mediators, inflammatory response, then change will occur glomerular basement membrane, filtration pore size increases, the permeability enhancement, which appears urine protein, occult blood, the last occurrence of renal fibrosis, sclerosis, renal dysfunction persistent and eventually develop into scar tissue, renal failure.

In a word, lowering high creatinine should aim to repair the damaged kidneys and improve kidney function. Only when kidney function is elevated can high creatinine level be reduced naturally and radically.

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