
Should Nephrotic Syndrome Patients Supplement Protein Loss

Massive proteinuria is one of the most obvious symptoms in patients with Nephrotic Syndrome. In addition, due to increased proteinuria and protein loss from human body, should lost proteinuria be supplemented?
Urinary protein loss is the root cause of nephrotic syndrome in a series of clinical symptoms, which accounted for 75% -90% albumin, losing loss and other ingredients complement proteins can not only cause a lack of trace elements, bone mineral metabolism, but also lead to immunocompromised, susceptible to infection.
A lot of proteinuria and changes in plasma colloid osmotic pressure also led to lipoprotein metabolism disorders, hyperlipidemia, nephrotic syndrome and elevated levels of low-density lipoprotein levels decreased high-density lipoprotein is characterized, can lead to atherosclerosis of hardening and glomerulosclerosis.
Previous view that a high protein diet can help compensate for the loss of protein in urine, and correct body negative nitrogen balance, reduce swelling.
Present study suggests that high-protein diets can reduce urinary protein excretion, but increased protein loss in the urine, and through effects on glomerular hemodynamics, causing renal damage.
Therefore, the low-protein diet, more people more agreeable, recent studies suggest that the type of protein intake to improve, such as low-protein diet supplemented with "open with", not only to maintain a positive nitrogen balance in patients with nephrotic syndrome, but also reduce urinary albumin excretion, increase albumin concentration, improve renal function.
Nephrotic syndrome protein intake of different periods are different.
Under normal circumstances, according to the daily 0.8g-1.0g / kg given normal protein diet, in which 60 percent of animal protein, and the rest of the plant protein;

Nephrotic syndrome in the very period that serum albumin less than 20g / l, proteinuria than 10g / d, dietary protein daily press 1.2-1.5g / kg given high-protein diet.

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