
Causes And Treatments For Swelling In FSGS

Swelling is a symptom of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). And the swelling usually appears in legs, ankles, feet, face and eyelid. Well, what are the causes and treatments for swelling in FSGS.
First, causes of swelling in FSGS
FSGS is one condition where kidney scarrings develop in some glomeruli. Glomeruli, kidney filters, are responsible for filtering out extra fluid and waste products and keeping useful nutritions in the blood. With FSGS, a part of glomeruli can’t do their job properly, so fluid and sodium are more likely to retain in some loose regions including legs, ankles, feet, etc. What’s worse, a large amount of protein will leak from the blood into the body that can lead to low plasma osmotic pressure. This is another cause of swelling.
Second, treatments for swelling in FSGS
1. Diuretic: It can increase kidney output, so as to take away more fluid and sodium. Besides western medicines, some herbal teas such as nettle leaf tea and dandelion root tea also have the property of diuretics. Therefore, if you have swelling and FSGS, you can choose one herbal tea.
2. ACEi and ARBs: If patients’ swelling is involved in proteinuria and high blood pressure, these medications can help lower high blood pressure and reduce protein leakage, so as to alleviate swelling.
3. Steroids: Steroids have quick and obvious effect on controlling patients FSGS, especially when they have heavy proteinuria. However, it may cause a series of side effects.
Proper diet
- Restrict the intake of fluid and sodium
- Develop a low-protein diet but enough high-quality protein
- Take in enough omega-3 fatty acid that can help protect kidney function
- Eat some foods that have the effect of diuretics, including cranberries, onion, blueberries, etc.
Chinese herbs
Some therapies, such as Medicated Bath, acupuncture, Polluted Blood Therapy and Stem Cell Therapy, have an effect of repairing damaged kidney cells and improving kidney function. As long as kidneys can do their job relatively properly, swelling can be treated completely.

Causes and treatments of swelling in FSGS present here. If you have any doubt, you can leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com. We will provide you suggestion with regard to your question.

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