Pineapple is not only a delicious, juicy fruit, but it also offers many
health benefits. A lot of people like to eat pineapple. Well then, is pineapple
good for Hypertensive Nephropathy patients? Read through the article to find the
Generally speaking,Hypertensive Nephropathy can take some pineapple to
improve their daily life. And proper intake of it is good for patients’ physical
Here are some other health benefits of pineapples:
Strong bones
As an athlete, I know the importance of healthy bones, and pineapples are
also popular for their ability to build and maintain strong bones. This is
because this fruit contains manganese, a mineral necessary to build bones and
connective tissues.
Balance electrolytes
The potassium in pineapple juice can help you maintain the proper electrolyte
balance to prevent muscle cramps and soreness. This mineral also promotes proper
kidney functioning and is important for digestion.
Immune system
Pineapple juice contains vitamin B6, which helps your body regulate blood
sugar and helps to promote a healthy immune system.
Eliminate toxins
Pineapple juice is a natural diuretic. This means that it can help eliminate
toxins and also help to lower blood pressure and prevent weight gain.
Healthy digestion
Pineapple juice also contains small bits of fiber important for healthy
digestion. Bromelain has protein-digesting properties; it can keep the digestive
track healthy and also help to neutralize fluids.
Both the root and fruit may be eaten or applied topically as an
anti-inflammatory. The anti-inflammatory properties can greatly alleviate the
pain of arthritis.
But different patients have different disease condition. You should know how
much you can eat pineapple according to your own medical conditions.