
Best Therapies For Protecting Kidneys

In life, we not only need to develop good habits, but also focus on your body health.So, how do we live in to protect their kidneys.
1, do not drink well water and river water with unknown contents
So as not to lead, cadmium, chromium and other heavy metals is too high and damage the kidneys.
2, treatment of colds
If the cold to go again, or after a cold, hypertension, edema, urine has bubble solution, nephrology doctor to find the best screening.
3, recurrent tonsillitis be careful
Strep throat or tonsils were infected, be sure to cure, otherwise easily lead to kidney inflammation.
4, do not eat too much

Eating too much protein and salt, will increase the burden on the kidneys. In addition, sports drinks containing electrolytes and salt, have kidney disease who need to be careful of such beverages.

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