
What Daily Habits Can Damage Men Kidneys

How do men damage their kidneys?
1. Painkiller abuse
Long-term use or high doses of some anti-inflammatory drugs, such as pain tablets, indomethacin, acetaminophen, aspirin, etc., easily lead to kidney damage.
2, certain herbs overdose
Clinical findings would "hurt kidney" herbs are: Hook, manshuriensis, Pharbitidis, fruit, poppy, sward, the gentleman, green wood, fangchi so on. Which leads to kidney damage tripterygium largest, followed manshuriensis.
3, excessive drink
Soft drinks and sports drinks excessive intake may indirectly damage the kidney. Body's pH to 7.2, these drinks generally highly acidic body pH change significantly after drinking.
4, soft bread eaten in
Bread and pastries in a food additive potassium bromate, eat soft texture, but excessive consumption can damage a person's central nervous system, blood and kidneys.
5, overeating
Increased opportunities for the modern dinner, often eating too much, "delicious", most of these wastes through the kidneys, excessive eating will undoubtedly increase the burden on the kidneys.
6, drink strong tea after alcohol
Some people think that drinking tea can sober up, in fact, this not only ineffective, but also hurt the kidneys. Experts said theophylline in tea can quickly affect the kidneys play a diuretic effect, at this time have not yet re-alcohol decomposition begins with the kidneys, the kidneys are stimulated a lot of alcohol, so damage to kidney function.
7, salty diet
Salty diet, leading to elevated blood pressure, the kidneys can not maintain normal blood flow, thereby induce nephropathy.
8, often holding back
Some people are busy with work and a long time to hold back. Experts advise holding back urine can cause urinary tract infections and pyelonephritis. Once this type of recurrent infection, can cause chronic infection and difficult to cure.
9, drinking too little

If a long time without water, will reduce the amount of urine, waste and urine concentrations of toxins carried will increase. Common clinical kidney stones, hydronephrosis and so long without water are closely related.

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