
Can Patients With FSGS Eat Papaya

Kidney disease patients always pay attention to their diet, so do FSGS patients. Papaya has the good reputation of “the King of fruit” that may be a great food for some FSGS patients.
The following introduces how papaya helps fight against FSGS
1. Prevent further kidney damage: Papaya is quite rich in vitamin C that has the property of antioxidant. Correct intake of vitamin C is able to inhibit abnormal immune reaction and protect residual kidney tissues.
2. Cleanse polluted blood: When glomeruli are damaged, many metabolic wastes and toxins will build up in the blood. Papaya is able to help remove toxins, especially peroxide, from the body, so as to purify blood and provide a clean environment for kidney restoration.
3. Prevent and treat hypertension: Even though not all FSGS patients have hypertension, quite a number of people with FSGS indeed suffer from this problem. Papaya just has the effect of reducing high blood pressure. From this point, it is good for these patients.
4. Ease anemia: Besides cleansing blood, secreting EPO is another important role of kidney. When kidneys can’t produce enough EPO, the body can’t produce enough red blood cells, resulting in anemia easily. Papaya contains rich iron that can promote the formation of red blood cells, so as to relieve anemia.
Other cautions

Although papaya can bring so many benefits for FSGS patients, it doesn’t mean all of them can consume this fruit. If you have pain during urination or are allergic to papaya, you should avoid it. In view of this, you had better consult the doctor before eating papaya.

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