
List of foods to avoid with Stage 5 CKD

Stage 5 CKD requires many different nutrients in the body of people with kidney sanos.Aunque a correct diet plan good for patients with end-stage renal disease, which can help improve overall health status of pacientes.Sabe you the list of foods to avoid with stage 5 chronic kidney disease?
Basic dietary needs
When kidneys do not work, some substances such as proteins, sodium, potassium, phosphorus and fluid taxed kidneys if taken in quantity excesiva.Con to preserve the remaining kidney tissue function and improve quality of healthy patients, suggested to avoid foods that a list of foods listed continuación.Para to avoid directly, you can email to kidneycares@hotmail.com.
Food too salty
Salt is the most common form exists sodium, while sodium is a mineral that can trigger or worsen high blood pressure and swelling fácilmente.Por Therefore, patients should stay away from salty foods like bacon, seasonings salted, canned foods, processed foods, and so on.
Foods rich in vegetable protein
Compared with animal protein, vegetable protein can cause more waste chemicals such as urea when metabolized in the cuerpo.En view of this, patients with stage 5 chronic kidney disease had better limit their intake of vegetable protein.
milk products
These foods such as milk and cheese contain generally rich fósforo.Severamente damaged kidneys can not remove extra phosphorus efficiently, so that patients had better control of their consumption of dairy products.
Grains and starches

They usually contain some minerals: sodium, potassium and fósforo.Todos these are minerals that Stage 5 CKD patients should limitar.Por Therefore, patients should select some grains and starches low in these minerales.Bagels, oats white or brown rice, Inglés muffins, etc. They can be eaten in moderate portions, but others must be limited to small portions.

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