
Severe stomach pain comes in CKD patients

As kidneys fail to filter blood properly, patients may be plagued by severe stomach pain that comes and goes with frecuencia.Por why patients with chronic kidney disease have this symptom?
In general, several conditions can cause these problems, and the underlying cause varies from patient to paciente.Si stomach pain comes and goes in you and you also have kidney disease, you must first find what causes the problem and take appropriate managements.
There are three conditions can cause stomach pain or abdominal pain.
1.Proteína leakage: If glomeruli are damaged, a lot of protein escape the orina.Esto can take the osmotic pressure of the blood to decline tends to pull liquid into the glasses sanguíneos.Cuando excess fluid retained in the stomach, ascites and stomach pain is just one sign of this problem occurs.
2.Infecciones: When the kidneys can not excrete waste products and toxins from the body, a large amount of harmful substances accumulate in different parts of cuerpo.Luego, patients with chronic kidney disease are at risk for stomach is infecciones.Si involved, stomach pain affect the lives of patients lot.
3.The renal cysts or kidney stones: In some special types of chronic kidney disease, kidney stone is a complication común.Una Once kidney stone becomes too large, can cause blockage fácilmente.Si renal disease patients is polycystic kidney disease, enlarged renal cysts can also lead to severe stomach pain.
in summary

Now, we have an overview of causes stomach pain for patients with kidney disease treatments crónica.Los must rely pacientes.Si condition of the disease have not found what makes your stomach or have effective treatment, you can ask online help. We are happy to give you some tips for free.

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