
Purpura Nephritis Can Be Cured Well By Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Mooi Bertjan feels strange and she only take some medicine prescribed by local doctor.  However,after a period of time,she felt erythema in her cheeks shortly after an occasional examination. And then she was diagnosed with purpura in 2007.
She visited the doctors at their local hospital and receive western treatment. However,the illness was not controlled well,on December 2007, she developed fatigue, swelling legs, shortness of breath, poor appetite, joint aches, hair loss, photophobia and some other symptoms. In order to seek further reliable treatment, Nita came to China in June 2008 intend to use traditional Chinese medicine cure her disease.
  Experts and doctors in our hospital analyzed her condition carefully and then make a treatment plan for her.
  Our treatment
  Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy,as a main kind of therapy,went along with hormones. We also use some western medicines as adjuvant therapy.
  Effect of the treatment
  After a period of treatment,the most obvious development is the erythema began to fade away. Then her purpura nephritis begin to get better gradually and all symptoms disappeared.
  “It's been a really long time since the diagnosis, she was unhappy all the time. Mooi’s mental condition seemed better than before. This is so great!” Mooi’s husband told us.
Purpura Nephritis can be treated successfully as long as you take correct treatment. If you have any doubt, please feel free to consult our online doctor or leave us a message to kidneycares@hotmail.com.

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